Freak pant hyperventilate
Category: Life & Me | 6 Comments | Posted 16:05Woah, well all that moving stuff is actually happening now and I've started to freak out a little... well I did this morning as planning and organising seemed to be getting a bit much all of a sudden, esp. as I suddenly realised the timing I had planned wasn't gonna work etc. But I've more or less worked it all out now - all that remains to be done is the actual packing.
So I'm booked on Eurotunnel at 16:06 on Monday. I'll be signing the tenancy agreement and getting our keys on Tuesday morning and I'll have the rest of the day to move everything in and ring BT & stuff to make sure we get connected asap. Returning the van to Lux on Wednesday (Eurotunnel 10:58) and then I'm planning to fly back over (for good!) on Friday. Then that's it, I will well & truly be residing in Brighton.
Turns out my Sky subscription is for a minimum of one year, so I'll be taking my satellite dish with me and we'll have digital TV until at least May - provided we're allowed to have satellite dishes in the flat. I don't think I saw any on the building, but let's hope for the best. Also my mum has said she'll let me keep the 6 months rent in advance she's 'lent' me... that makes me a bit richer again so I've been thinking about keeping Lara after all. I'll miss her like crazy, but it would be a silly thing to do as she's expensive to keep.
Yeah, other than that... the weather is shit, but what do you expect in January. I still have to get rid of my guinea pigs, I guess I'll take them to my friend's place tomorrow, so that will be the end of that era. The satellite dish is being dismantled on Friday, means I won't get to watch Shattered over the week-end
(webcam transmission anyone?
). I have stuff planned for tomorrow night and Friday night, farewell dinners and things. *hehe* There are other people I should ring before I leave... meh then again, I'm not moving to a deserted island (yet
) and we'll have a phone in Brighton too. Eventually.
Right, now it's time for some packing action!
hi clarissa!
everything is going to be okay. have fun moving and say bye to your guinea pigs for me....stay calm. breath and listen to some placebo!....and i'm going to send your cds. i get my computer today which has your address....have fun. bye bye
Jimmy's back!
Placebo indeed
Woohoo @ CD. I still need your address too! Will ask Mon so I can send it before I move!