Monday January 5, 2004
Norway - the Video Report
Category: Video | 9 Comments | Posted 19:10Yeah so what else to say? Too lazy to type it all up, so I thought I'd do a video report instead. More fun for me, more fun for you... more bandwidth usage for MJJF, hehe. Features funnyspeak and a kinky hair bit which I'm asking you to ignore.
- RealMedia (1.41MB, 4.15min)
I watched the big windows thingy and there's something strange about the end repeats new years eve and then stops.
Is that supposed to be a Norwegian accent? LOL
Did you see today's picture of my baby? I saw the heart beating already on the ultrasound screen! So amazing!
LOL no it's the accent of the "end of the world video"
And yeah, saw your update