Hello from Norway!!!
Category: Randomness | 8 Comments | Posted 4:25Apparently they've decided to interview me for a video entry, so they're all out there thinking up perverted interview questions, and I'm in here, which isn't so bad cuz
1. it's much warmer and
2. it has Internet connection
So I thought I'd say hi. HI! This keyboard is weird, it has characters like æ, ø and å, and consequently some of the special characters are in weird places (haha, my excuse if my typing is crap tonight). Aye, apart from that all is cool. I'd like to say Monica is very very very cool, as is her tiny hairless dog (which I will abduct), Miriam's a star and, well that's it cuz they're back now. I also love Michael Jackson!!!!
EDIT (a full day later...) squiZZ
So when will the video entry be up?
COME BACK HOME, btw! The internet is dull and boring without any updates from you.
Video entry will be up when I get home, so Sunday.