All set to leave...
Category: Life & Me | 8 Comments | Posted 1:05...pretty much. For Oslo you know (for anyone who's living behind the moon or sth). That's where I'm going tomorrow. That's quite cool you know. I will be meeting the lovely Mir & Mon, for the first time ever! And I will be seeing me squiZZpetŪ again, for the 5th time ever!
Yeah so am pretty much packed, tho I'm only leaving at 1pm so I have more time for that tomorrow... I think I have everything tho... I hope I do. I'm hopeless with things like that. It's raining. I don't like the rain. I got a cheap hotel room on the 3rd tho so I don't need to drive home from Hahn in the dark... and they have free broadband Internet access!
Er ok, will be off now. Have a lovely time without me everyone!
Have the bestest time!! *waving Citz off* Bye bye..! *missing her already*
i know you're going to have fun clarissa! bye bye
Posted by: jimmy at December 29, 2003 02:10 AM
Hope u had a good night y'all!!
LOL - Why do you hate printer Citz?
Cuz my printer fucking sux that's why!!!

Posted by: Jar Jar at December 28, 2003 02:35 AM