Category: Memes | 5 Comments | Posted 17:55Yeah so am bored and too lazy to tidy room, so will do this quiz I stole from lovely Vega... also as you can see, old layout is back. All that hassle for nothing.
MJ pics might get replaced with pics of squiZZpetŪ tho. Oh btw, sexy Daniel is coming to Placebo concert too!
last movie you saw on the big screen: um... Elephant?
last phone number you called: *checks redial thingy* ah my friend Viviane on my mobile... Val on landline.
last thing you watched on TV: Labyrinth.
last song you heard: right now, The Burning Heart, Hannibal OST.
last thing you had to drink: water.
last thing you ate: smoked salmon roll.
last time you showered: yesterday.
last time you cried: um... been a while. Don't remember tbh.
last time you smiled: few mins ago while chatting I s'pose. And everytime I think of 1st March.
last person you kissed: Claire
last thing you said: um... sth to my mum about guinea pigs.
last thing you smelled: consciously, incense stick @ Dani's last night (cinnamon, nice!)
Do you...
- smoke? no.
- do drugs? no.
- drink? yeah, far too much.
- have sex? no. I'm asexual
- sleep with stuffed animals? not really.
- have a crush? yes
- have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no.
- have a dream that keeps coming back? yeah, the flying one.
- play an instrument? no, unfortunately not.
- believe there is life on other planets? indeed.
- read the newspaper? sometimes when bored. Lux newspapers are shite. I read Der Spiegel every week (magazine).
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? dunno. depends on the people I suppose? I believe nothing is constant.
- consider yourself tolerant of others? Depends. I try to be tolerant, but I have my bouts of misanthropy.
- consider police a friend or foe? er... they kinda useful at times.
- like the taste of alcohol? Not all.
- believe in astrology? No, but I like reading horoscopes all the same.
- believe in magic? No.
- pray? No.
- go to church? No.
- have any secrets? Yes. Tho with almost all of my secrets, there's at least one person who knows, so they're not really secrets anymore I suppose.
- have any pets? Guinea pigs, tho not much longer. And horsey,
- go to or plan to go to college? Still registered at uni, but doesn't count.
- have any piercings? No but I really want a nose one.
- have any tattoos? No, cuz scared. Will one day tho, will!
- wish on stars? No.
- like your handwriting? Not really. Is mess.
- have any bad habits? Yes. *lol*
- believe in witches? Not really, tho I like witches.
- believe in Satan? I don't believe in him, but I'm obsessed with him.
- believe in ghosts? Depends on my mood, but usually no.
- have a second family? No. One is bad enough.
lmao!! I think your Dad was even more scared than you!
still had some on when got to work cause I couldn't get it off but luckily my manager knows some good tips so I followed his advice and all was well with the world.
Posted by: squiZZle at December 21, 2003 02:06 AMWho is David and what has that got to do with this entry?? *lost*
Posted by: The BML at December 22, 2003 12:58 PMDavid = Meeko, and it has to do with the banner, not the entry. I think this one was the top one when he commented or sth.
Posted by: Clarissa at December 22, 2003 01:04 PM
Im sorry, but this whole eye-liner thing scares me. Its a bit scary waking up a wee bit hungover, stupidly early on a Saturday morning to see a squiZZ with big black eyes!!
Posted by: David at December 21, 2003 12:52 AM