This and that and the other
Category: Life & Me | 4 Comments | Posted 2:23Just had a nice chatty girl dinner with two friends... both studying/studied psychology, so it was... interesting. I was psycho-analysed, picked apart, advised, comforted and kicked in the butt. We also discussed my mum and self-fulfilling prophecies... and other things. So yes, was interesting. Was also generally cool as not seen both at the same time for a while and we been friends for fucking ages (15yrs, damn I'm old) and, yeah, was nice.
I should be in bed now. Was up all last night again, well till 7, then 5hrs sleep, so need to catch up. Checked rates for van rentals today, they're expensive, I mean very... but I think probably still cheaper than if I drove back and forth twice with my Lara... well will work out exact price of that later and decide. Other than that, I'd like to say that I love Michael Jackson. And that I need to tidy my room. And that I get bored of my new layouts as soon as I finish them (been working on revival of this one), but Jar likes the current one so will keep for a while, also cuz lazy. Tho might change my mind again tomorrow cuz inconsistent.
PS the 6 top results for Michael Jackson and God are me or link to me.
Aren't you seeing a therapist anyway? Doesn't he pick you apart? I can do the kicking in the butt and comforting part. (I can psycho-analyse too, but I'm a blundering amateur).
Ja, but she's not picking me apart
And woooooooooooooh @ being psycho-analysed a blundering amateur, sounds fun!
LMAO can be deeply traumatising apparently!
oooh i want to be psycho-analysed, picked apart, advised, comforted and kicked in the butt too!
Posted by: Jar Jar at December 20, 2003 07:39 PM