Ode to my Friends
Category: Opinionated | 13 Comments | Posted 5:27Sooo because I happen to be kinda emotional at the moment, and because Xmas is near (lol), I would like to do very sentimental dedications. Very unlike me, so savour them. Will of course be alphabetical, except BML Me will be 1st and squiZZ be 2nd. (oh and they will only be ppl who actually read this thing, with one exception, but I'm sure someone will let them know). I hope I won't offend anyone by not mentioning them. I had my criteria, like "extreme momentary importance", "exceptional helpfulness", "outstanding coolness" or "long-time merits".
They're also all people I have met or will soon met. With one exception, but maybe that's a sign.
BML Me I could never find the right words to express how much you mean to me, how much I love you, how much I depend on you, how much I need you in my life. I know things have sometimes been complicated recently, but I'm confident we'll get over all that and the future will be nothing but exciting. I cannot wait to live with you, to have you around me all the time, and to share every bit of my life with you!
Less than 5hrs till can squish btw!!
And start a new life together!!
squiZZ Everyone and their dog knows I'm squiZZobsessed®, so no need to bring that up. But apart from pure gorgeousness, squiZZ is also an amazingly sweet and smart (albeit lazy) guy who has so much going for him that almost everyone forgives him his (occasional ) bouts of twatness. I must have spent less than 5 days not talking to squiZZ since he got back from Delaware.
Is Citz in love with squiZZ? Who knows... (was that a rhetorical question? who knows) - whatever the case, Citz loves squiZZ.
And is obsessed of course.
Craig is too good to be true (as I said in chat the other night). He's helped no end, I can't thank him enough for his patience, wisdom and advice. Sorry for being such a pain, and thanks SO much for (kinda) randomly deciding you wanted to meet me again this summer. You've been such an enrichment to my life! (Citz loves knowledgeable men. )
Daniel OMG what can I say. First off, sorry for being horrid to you for a while. That was so wrong. And then, well, wow. You're bloody fucking damn amazing. In a few years we'll all be selling our "I knew Daniel Gray" stories to Hello, and I hope they pay us well. In the meantime I shall be enjoying your incomparable friendship. Thanks so much for the trust you put in me, and for being there always when I'm in need. You have no idea how excited I am about having you around!!
Dee It may sound stupid, but we've been thru so much. We've had our common and our separate obsessions, we've laughed together and cried together. Thanks sooo much for letting me whinge and complain. Thanks for giving comfort, advice, or just listening when there was nothing to say. Expect to see me in Copenhagen some time soon!!! I am so glad you have found happiness!
Katja makes me feel all small and humble. Whenever she can muster up the energy to write something, I can do nothing but gaze, drool, and admire. I can only really see her as a successful writer - she's too good to fail. That is, if she's not too lazy. *hehe* But even if she is (lazy), she'll remain one of the coolest friends I've ever had. I feel very proud to know her.
Lo Citz loves Lo. There aren't many people with whom I've spent as much time as with you these past few months... I can't imagine being online without a Lo around anymore. I see myself in so much of you, but there's also so much I find intriguingly different. I hope you'll be around for a long time, sharing obsessions and other things. And I really really want to meet real life Lo one day!
Martine I don't think I can say how important you are to me, how much you've given me. Am very scared of being apart from you - I guess we'll have to live with high phone bills again. But I know our very special bond will survive this too, and that we can always count on each other. I don't have the slightest doubt that we'll still be ringing each other from our retirement homes at 80! Love you. Thanks for all the support & patience.
Michelle left Citzworld a while back, but should be mentioned here. Thanks for support & advice, days and days of chats, and long months of an intensely complicated, but worthwhile friendship. Friendships die, sometimes bitterly, but should be remembered dearly if they were worth it, even if only for part of the way.
Miriam @ all the things I owe wonderful Mir! Your support after my dad's death was invaluable, as was all the other advice you've given me. Thanks for putting up with my ramblings, my whingeings, my cluelessness... thanks for guiding me in the right direction. Also, thanks for your superb sense of humour, your gorgeousness (on cam and otherwise), and for our shared obsessions. Mr Burns!!!
Monica is a genius. Not much more to say really. Citz deeply reveres Mon. Could pick apart why I think she is a genius, but would kinda get too long. Citz can barely wait to meet Mon (and her lovely ET, hehe). But she should update more often!
Suha has proven to be a most amazing friend. I've had great times with her in Switzerland, and countless hours of wonderful girly chat on the phone. Weird how we clicked immediately, tho we didn't know each other that well at first. I'm glad I've found you, and I hope we'll have many more times together. You can always count on me! And we should visit Paris together soon!
Tobias Complicated at times, but always worth it. We've loved and hated each other, but I could not imagine my life without Tobias - his wisdom & knowledge (yes, they are 2 different things!), his advice & humour. The theological discussions, and even the shouting matches (ok, maybe not those). But where I would be without him today I cannot imagine. Thank you, and sorry for HMness!
Lovely Citz
kal is so cute!
and btw, "And I really really want to meet real life Lo one day!"... why exactly isn't she coming to Norway for New Years?
jar, think it's because she can't afford it...
should come tho!
Posted by: miriam at December 11, 2003 04:09 PMOh... that's so sweet! Love you!
And BIIIIG @ everyone!!! love you aaalllll!!
Sorry Kal SHOULD have mentioned you too actually as you're my soulmate
thats okay, the minute we meet in real life. I'll blow them all out of the water. xept you Squizz, you can stayon MY BOAT! lol
love you all
Posted by: Kal at December 12, 2003 03:18 AM @ THAT comment.
Mwah. And mwah again. Brighton now officially rocks.
Posted by: Daniel at December 12, 2003 08:14 PMAwwwwwwwwwwww @ Citz Me. She be wubbwy. Be. And have her in Brighton and KEEPING (actually AM as MOVING!!!) and... life is wunnerful.
I wub Citz Me.
nothing else to add.
Posted by: squiZZ at December 11, 2003 12:09 PM