Blah, damn insomnia
Category: Life & Me | 13 Comments | Posted 8:53Yeah so went to bed around midnight to catch up on sleep. Woke up 2.30 and couldn't fall back asleep. Great.
Anyway. I've had the very clever thought tho (haha) to use the macro I have for smileys to also make abbreviations for some people I mention and link a lot. So *bml now automatically becomes BML Me, *squi becomes squiZZ and so on. That's pretty cool right?
And I will now finally work on that layout. I mean, finish it even. If I can be bothered that is. My mum thinks I should go see doctor cuz of cough, but am too lazy.
PS Weird discovery made while browsing my visitor stats... this board hotlinks to my "" smiley (and only that one). How unamusing! I don't wanna have to disable hotlinking.
(I know it's just one damn 1KB smiley, but it's a matter of principle! I don't even know these people!)
Hm ok I know how they found me now.
PPS Weird discovery #2. My Cemetery Gallery is #1 result on Google for pictures of cemeteries - but only #8 for pictures cemeteries - even though Google says "of" is a very common word and was not included in your search.
PPPS "Necks" on Google
PPPPS My Cleo (cam) was shipped today!!!
Er, had for much longer than a month.
BEEN to doctor about it before, remember?
Posted by: Clarissa at December 10, 2003 11:09 AMMaybe you should quit smoking!!!!!!!!!!
(ooooh that's me....never mind)
Posted by: Jar Jar at December 10, 2003 11:52 AM &
LOL @ Jar. My doctor asked me if I smoked too.
cigarettes and alcohol
aaaaaaand brown sauce!!!!!!!!!
@ cigarettes & brown sauce.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand pizza! oO(I almost forgot
yeah (@ pizza)
LOL @ mon
should see doctor. cough doesn't sound healthy.
Posted by: miriam at December 11, 2003 12:57 PMYes yes know should. But am SOOO unreeasonable!
LMAO @ people nicking your smilies. How rude.
Will ask what a macro is in email as don't wanna look stoopid on here.
Awww, damn.
Posted by: The BML at December 10, 2003 10:56 AM