Category: Life & Me | 7 Comments | Posted 23:59Indeed. Have been trying to work on a new layout, but the colour scheme doesn't look as good on the screen as it did in my head. And I'm lazy, oh so lazy. Maybe tomorrow. Tomorrow I will also need to have a look at Friday Ad for flat-viewing appointments. And pack and tidy and all them things.
I did however finally go to my school today to get that sickness record I needed, it wasn't as scary as I'd feared (the unfriendly secretary was out tho), in fact it was rather cool as everyone was very cute and nice to me. Also returned key and car park card (and got €20 deposit back, woo!). And went to petrol station to book Lara appointment (so no, didn't go yesterday when said would). The wumman who took my appointment wrote "Yundai Cuppe"!
Am suddenly very tired. Think may bed. Was up until after 7 last night apparently, and back up by 1. So not enough sleep. And must get normal sleeping pattern again for Brighton. Nighty!
Yundai Cuppe
I know, you told me but I still think it's hilarious. On the other hand it's a bit scary too... they're supposed to know about cars, aren't they? ...
@ Suha.
And LOL @ Val. Well don't think the girl at the till is
*wonders what a Yundai Cuppai is and how everyone else gets joke except BML*
Yundai Cuppe = Hyundai Coupé = Lara!!!!
*smacks self on head*
Suddenly it all becomes clear...
Posted by: The BML at December 10, 2003 01:05 PM
Sleep well ma chère! Bonne nuit! Bisous!
Posted by: Suha at December 10, 2003 12:12 AM