Aaaargh - Wheeeee!
Category: Life & Me | 12 Comments | Posted 18:35Why do people drive like complete morons when there's a full moon? And it's not even today, it's tomorrow, and already they're going crazy! Am definitely not going out of the house tomorrow! Stupid humans.
Aaargh also because my mum has decided - of course - that we do need to celebrate Christmas, and invite one of the old women - apparently the other one's too decrepit to go out the house, but one is bad enough. Fortunately Gaby has offered to do it at her place, so there will be more people, and kids to keep the gran occupied.
Oh, and aaaargh because people are so stupid! There are email petitions going around again (in support of MJ) - is there anything more idiotic than an email petition?! Send to everyone you know - yeah and then you'll get 100s of different lists with the same names over and over. How thick?!
OK, and wheeeee because I've just ordered a Canon Powershot S50 (along with a 256MB CompactFlash card and a cool USB 6 in 1 Memory Card reader (which can read my Yumiko's MemoryStick too so I can use that to store data ). Now if anyone can think of a good name for the cam, let me know. Should be female.
Old women?
Posted by: The BML at December 7, 2003 07:48 PMshe's asking who the old women mentioned in the diary entry are.
Aunts I think.
Posted by: squiZZle at December 7, 2003 10:37 PMLMAO aaaaaah!!! Grans!!
LMAO! Ah. Grans. Mmmkay... sorry, did you already say who they were in previous entry or sth? Didn't think had, then looked and couldn't find.
Plus amen't klevur.
My suggestions for teh cam are: Cat, Cornelia or Kim. (I think it'd be a good idea if the name started with the same sound as "camera")
Yes, they've been referred to by that name before
Thanks Val, but I've kinda decided to go to Cleo. And yes I like alliterations too, but generally go with the brand/model. So Canon - Cleo. (yes I know, C in cam too...)
And no @ BML, mentioned in last year's Xmas entry. You're all supposed to know my diary by heart.
Citz, you DID mention the "boring old women" a couple of days ago... in your December 2nd entry!
So I did
LOL@ a name for the cam
Posted by: Lo at December 7, 2003 07:41 PMFay, Christina, Cleo, Clementina?