My imaginary friend... and obsessions
Category: Opinionated | 8 Comments | Posted 17:51I had a moment of epiphany this morning. OK, no, crappy term, but anyway, I realised something. You know how them online questionnaires sometimes ask if you had an imaginary friend, and I always said "no" - well I suddenly remembered this morning that I did use to have one! Not a "real" one that I pretended was sat next to me or anything like that, but I used to have, like, dialogues in my head with this girl. She had the same name as one of my aunts - now I'm trying to think if I was obsessed with my aunt or sth. I think I used to find her pretty cool - but I'd completely repressed that somehow, as nowadays I think she's a bit of a stupid bint. That's most fascinating tho, it just suddenly came back to me - I'm sure I'd "forgotten" about that for 15yrs at least.
Obsessions are a fascinating thing tho, and fancying people and stuff. Like, you've known someone for years, and suddenly, WHAM, you're obsessed with them ("obsession" being my term of choice here. I could call it "fancying" or "infatuation" or any other term). You see them in a completely different light, I mean, nothing has changed about them, only about the way you perceive them. It's gotta be something subconsciously deliberate, surely. But it really makes no sense. And then all of a sudden it's all over again. It's like getting back to normal again - like "oh yeah, that's all there is to them, true. What was the big deal?" Ah, but it spices up your life while it lasts - maybe that's all there is to it.
I'll be off to Bern on Wednesday to visit Suha (until Sat)! Am a bit scared about the 5hr train journey, but I shall take my GBA and a book or two, and my mp3 player. That's pretty much it. Off to visit Gaby tonight. Still not finished my application form for that damn job. Ha ha.
Ah you can't?
I've done this repeatedly.
*poof* obsessed
*poof* unobsessed
Wasn't aware you were obsessed with anyone?
Or you mean other people obsessed with YOU?
must it be people?
Posted by: squiZZle at December 2, 2003 02:06 AMSure, everyone ZZ.
I was talking about people here, yes.
Posted by: Clarissa at December 2, 2003 02:10 PMwell I wasn't talking only about people, but also inanimate objects . . . and possibly animals too.
Posted by: squiZZ at December 2, 2003 05:30 PM
>>Like, you've known someone for years, and suddenly, WHAM, you're obsessed with them.
Posted by: Lo at December 1, 2003 06:01 PMThat's pretty interesting.
I can't suddenly get obsessed with somebody I've known for a long time.