*curled up in a corner*
Category: Michael Jackson | 13 Comments | Posted 23:38Michael Jackson in handcuffs is the worst thing I've seen in a long time. Hey I thought I had the necessary distance to not let this FUCKING SHIT get to me. Wasn't crying during the press conference, with Tom Sneddon the despicable scumbag laughing and joking and reassuring everyone it was nothing personal. Was shaking, but not crying.
Didn't cry all day yesterday and today, with all the tension and drama and speculations and pessimism. Listened to WYBT, Money, Scream, and didn't cry. Took in the news of the arrest warrant, in disbelief, but didn't cry. Was actually thinking this afternoon as I drove back from buying Number Ones that the whole thing simply hadn't sunk in yet. Surreal was the word I used. Eerie it was, this feeling of déjà-vu, and disconcerting. But it didn't feel real.
Well I guess I'm a bit thick and I take a while to realise things. I have to see things for them to actually sink in. So the pics of him being led into the Santa Barbara County Jail in handcuffs did it for me - it had finally arrived in my sad little reality. My hero of 15 years criminally charged of child molestation. I do not even want to speculate over the outcome of this - I am pessimistic by nature, but whatever happens, it won't be good. He seems in good spirits, which reassures me, and the media coverage isn't that bad, which is positive too.
But I will never get this image out of my head. Neither will the rest of the world. What a fucking nightmare. *sigh* Poor guy. God I love him so much. How sad that something like this has to happen for me to realise how much this guy still means to me. But I'm not ashamed to admit it, and I will say it proudly: I love him to death and I know he's innocent. I owe him so much. I hope he'll be ok and I wish I could do more for him.
Cuute mummy!
Ooohhh... If youre gonna cry, then Im gonna cry! Then we're ALL gonna cry! This is not good!
Posted by: Vega at November 21, 2003 08:09 AMI'm such a wreck
Maybe it's just one of the symptoms of the flu
God I want to be there. I feel totally helpless on the other side of the planet. Poor, poor guy
I was at Trafalger Sq when he was handcuffed. It's a freaking nightmare and it ain't gonna end anytime soon. Be strong everyone... I am trying too...
Posted by: Anne at November 21, 2003 10:17 AMi was crying with you Citz, i felt as if i was the one being stripped off of dignity and pride. thinking of the only fact that Mike devoted most of his life to helping others, and then seeing this.. my heart chocked and my throat stopped.
keeo on praying, i love you
Posted by: Kal at November 21, 2003 10:53 AMAnne, you were there? Is that what it's called - Trafalgar Square? Where was he actually cuffed, in the car or on the plane or what?
Anne, you were there? Is that what it's called - Trafalgar Square? Where was he actually cuffed, in the car or on the plane or what?
Eurgh, bollocks.
Posted by: The BML at November 21, 2003 11:01 AMLOL. Trafalger Sq is still in London... I was in an internet cafe there... hehe u aight? hehe
Posted by: Anne at November 21, 2003 04:23 PMA nightmare it is :( *hugs for you* It felt good to see Michael wave afterwards though. As if he is reassuring us, or telling us to be strong :)
Posted by: Evelien at November 21, 2003 10:11 PM:( *hugs*
Posted by: miriam at November 22, 2003 12:50 AM
Posted by: Prue at November 21, 2003 01:00 AM