Up-bloody-date! (London!!)
Category: Life & Me | 10 Comments | Posted 3:04Yeah so all them fuckers buggered off to bed ages ago, I'm still not tired, I have nothing else to do, so I thought maybe I could just, well, update this thing. Yeah so am back home and all that shit, the drive home from the airport was a fucking nightmare, rain and darkness and tiredness and the occasional spell of fog... couldn't be worse. I do believe my night vision has been getting much much worse. Let me tell you, getting old is not nice.
OK, that's the moaning over and done with, so lemme tell you about London. As you might know we went there to look at areas and flats... well we didn't do any of that, how surprising. Instead we did some shopping, some walking around, some drinking, some eating, and some fighting. I actually bought quite a few things... 3 (!) Placebo T-shirts, a scarf, 5 books, lots of Starburst Flipsters, painkillers, and some stuff for Val too. Whoopee!
Sunday was spent with the utterly fantabulous Daniel aka Stained Glass Bimbo. I could not exaggerate his wonderfulness and gorgeousness and loveliness! Tho he doesn't look half as sexy in eyeliner as the venerable squiZZ (must keep up my squiZZ-mentioning-average), he is still extremely fanciable and squishable. Indeed. Hopefully I shall be able to share pics and videos of His Loveliness with you very soon!
We was lucky with the weather.. until today, when we had to lug around our fucking suitcases in the pouring rain - we bloody walked all the fucking way to Picadilly Circus Waterstones and then it was closed for a special event - I mean WTF?! Sodding bastards. Not impressed.
Aaanyway... I would like to express my gratitude and love to the Mel and the Kat for putting up with us - I know we were quite hard to bear at times. We're really quite harmless usually - no honest!
Yeah well that's pretty much it. I think I shall bugger off to bed now, y'all just wanna see the pics anyway and not read the boring written report. Oh yes, I meant to say, tomorrow I shall move my site to my wonderful new webspace at MJJF so there may be downtimes (here and on the board), tho I will try to set up redirects as quickly as I can. Byeeeee!
my head is growing at an alarming rate
WB mami, missed you
Posted by: Kal at November 18, 2003 09:37 AM