Category: Randomness | 27 Comments | Posted 18:19I wanna be able to write like Alexandra. She is very cool. OK so she's aspiring to be a writer, but so would I be if I had any talent at all. So yeah, she has a very enjoyable blog that you should check out if ever you are bored. Oh btw, she was discovered by the venerable squiZZ, my employer, on one of his "bored so randomly surfing blogs" sprees. I'd like to add, for the record, that I deeply admire JarJar, too.
I'm really pissed off with my webhost again for a change (shut it squiZZ). I keep getting "internal server errors" when trying to rebuild my Blog. Means some of the entries are never updated (with new links and right now section). They also never bothered replying to my latest complaint about MySQL - I bet they have me on a blacklist somewhere as "whingeing bitch" and aren't even reading my mails. I'd switch to a different host if it wasn't so much hassle. I really should get off my arse and do something. Anything.
Did I ever mention I made new ownage pics for squiZZ? You should go check them too if you're bored (after you've read some of Alexandra's blog). Right, now I'm bored of updating too, so I will be off again. Tomorrow I will have a squiZZ so I will be bored no more. Hooray!
also, I just LOVE the amountof squiZZ mentions in this post!!!
LOL yeah and in almost all other entries as well
LOL well you're too slow.
@ squiZZ mentions. NOT in almost all other entries! Only 2 out of the 7 on this page.
We are sickening.
Checked out Alex's site. She's gorgeous but don't know what's so great about her writing style... sounds a bit wannabe (sorry)
Val !! how could you?!!!!!!!!!!
I'm starting to think you actually MEAN it!
*off to Alexandra site*
Posted by: Jar Jar at November 6, 2003 11:47 PMVal I am shocked. I guess you just don't see the genius.
Jar - mean WHAT!?
Ok, I'll have a second look... maybe I got into the wrong section
get into it ALL val, especially the wondrously complex origami!!
That you like reading my nonesense.
OH NO NO NO Oonly when i thought i had enuff blogs to read each day, appears the HILLARIOUS Alex. who is that gurl? the orgami section was so funny i almost peed in my pants. shes so witty. love that blog. DAMN!
@ origami page
But dooooooooooo!!! (@ Jar)
I love technicolor Alex. But I also LOVE a girl named ALEX check her out Clariss, Squizz
Posted by: Kal at November 7, 2003 07:35 PMI am honored that you've linked me--and I'll try to live up to the praise. :)
squiZZ and Clarissa, I love your sites.
Posted by: Alex at November 7, 2003 08:20 PM @ Alex.
We're not worthy, we're not worthy!
Why aren't squiZZ and WAM drunk and funny and fun today? I'm boooooooooooooooooored!
Topic change!
Links for Clarissa:
http://www.foodman.org/ - check out the webring on the main page
Correction: links=link
Posted by: Vega at November 8, 2003 07:39 AMYou could update your own diary not squiZZle's.
LOL yeah I will now.
Thanks for link Vega, looks interesting! Will study in more detail when squIiZZ gone.
Posted by: Clarissa at November 8, 2003 02:23 PM
you ALWAYS steal my finds and post them first!!!!
Posted by: squiZZle at November 6, 2003 06:51 PM