Lotsa updates
Category: Updates | 4 Comments | Posted 15:43Lotsa good things too... ok lemme go (somewhat) chronologically. I got a new slave sign from lovely Mel last night! Then this morning I found a neck from sexy Kal in my inbox!
Hooray for people who send me things! (hint hint)
Unrelated to the site, droolable (and crazy) squiZZ aka The Waist
has for some unfathomable reason decided to come to Lux again next week-end!
Which means I do now have something or other planned for every single week-end pretty much to the end of the year. Except my mum has decided she doesn't want to go to Hong Kong after all cuz "it will be around 20degC and HK has to be 30degC to be enjoyable."
I can't wait to explain that to Joanne. I tried to lure her to New Orleans instead, but she wants to go to Malta. Malta! Anyway, no final decision has been made so far.
I must get an appointment at the hairdresser, my hair sucks. I was also gonna go & check if I can buy Sabrina Setlur's new album (out today), tho I doubt it - ugh @ Luxembourg. Apparently living in Australia is worse tho cuz Mariah Carey doesn't tour there. Says Jess. Well that is all. Byeee.
whoooooooo!! squiZZ in lux!!
@ Anne, you don't like her? She is
(hehe) @ squiZZ
lmao @ "squiZZ aka The Waist"
Posted by: Jar Jar at November 3, 2003 09:58 PM
Sabrina Setlur. Now really?
Posted by: Anne at November 3, 2003 04:39 PM