Cuuuuute squiZZ pic!!!!!!
Category: Photography | 7 Comments | Posted 23:14Mir has been taking screenshots of squiZZ&Citz-cam and this pic is just one of the CUTEST things I have ever seen!! So am sharing it with the world. His squiZZness isn't too happy about it but there ain't much he can do. If he didn't let me post it now, I'd post it once he's gone.
Isn't that just the most adoooorable look on his face?? I'd marry him for it if... if I didn't not wanna.
Citz strongly disagrees.
*agrees with citz*
Posted by: Vega at October 20, 2003 03:47 AMCitz LUUURVES Vega! (also JarJar cuz agrees, tho was on Yahoo chat)
Has also been staring at the pic some more and has discovered that squiZZ reminds her of Brian Molko in that pic... I think it's the mouth. Maybe Katja would like to comment on that?
PS Brian.. tomorrow...
Posted by: Clarissa at October 20, 2003 04:13 AMCitz and SQuiz- mo pics ma nitz!
Posted by: Kal at October 20, 2003 06:16 AMWeeeell.... the mouth is only a little bit like Brian's. But the cheeks are totally different. And what's a mouth without the cheeks? *g* Brian's still the cutest! *hehe* (and Tobias - I have to write this, otherwise he would kill me)
Posted by: Katja at October 20, 2003 06:33 PMLOL @ mouth without the cheeks.
Um... well I think there's a similarity anyway
this one is CUTER!
Posted by: miriam at October 19, 2003 11:33 PM