Sooo tired
Category: Life & Me | 20 Comments | Posted 22:02I only had about 5hrs sleep last night (went to bed at 4.15, woke up at 9.30 and decided to stay awake to finally get back into a more normal sleeping pattern)... so now the time has come to go to sleep. *hehe* Online is boring anyway. Today was generally boring. Which is why I made a ridiculously stupid quiz for you to take: Which of my possessions are you? Not to be taken seriously of course.
BTW I think I've decided against Lasik surgery after all. According to independent studies, the risks are really quite high (around 30% of patients have side effects like double vision or light distortion). Another problem is that the procedure is still very young and little is known about long term effects. The considerably thinner cornea may well lead to complications later on.
PS I'm top result on Google for Crazy Obsessed. How appropriate.
I'm Paris... think that sth went wrong as it also states that "we don't see each other often but you love me"
Posted by: Michelle at October 10, 2003 01:55 AMClarissa, I wonder if you have seen these. But i found two VERY RARE angelina jolie short films made by this weird dude names Viril in 1993.
you can download one here and another one here
Posted by: Kal at October 10, 2003 09:44 AMOf course I was the BML.
>>online is boring anyway.
Course it is. That's why you spend most of yer life on there. Admit it, you're a junkie just like the rest of us
So... are you decided about Lasik, or just panicking??
Posted by: The BML at October 10, 2003 11:25 AMOoooh @ Kal
- hadn't seen those before! Thanks!
@ BML, no junkie! I can stop ANY time!
And no, not decided yet. But almost. (against)
LOL @ Val, hm no, that shouldn't have happened. Choose the right answers people, damnit! *lol*
Hm, you prolly chose "lively" on the "describe yourself" question, uh? Cuz together with "known her all our lives", that will turn you into Paris. Sorry
squiZZ is Lara
You're prob right about the surgery. Better not risk it if it's new. I never heard about it anyway, before you/BML told me.
Me be a comp. Well, me be YOUR comp but, I always knew I was SOME kind of comp!! Aye.
*wonders how much money Citz is paying Google to have a high result*
I actually chose "practical" first. I re-did the test and changed a few things (also from practical to lively) and the result was... I don't dare say it here It was.. the BML!! Don't kill me BML, I know where I went wrong in the questionnaire
Citz: which one of the adjectives wld you choose for me?
Ok, this time I chose my options very carefully and the result was Paris - again! Will tell you later what I chose...
Posted by: Val at October 10, 2003 04:29 PMLMAOOOOO @ BML Me.
Val, I can guess which ones you chose (for Paris), tho you absolutely totally must have cheated for the BML result cuz ONLY BML Me can get that!!!!
Dunno which one I'd choose. Lively suits you, but, well, I didn't give it enough thought. I didn't customize the quiz for each one of you
"I didn't customize the quiz for each one of you "
well you should have!
LOL @ making more work for Citz!
Posted by: Sinead at October 10, 2003 06:45 PM>> well you should have!
Blah blah. I was bored, not desperate!
Indeed @ Sinead. I mean really....
I'm your toothbrush. So you don't like me much? Pah!!!!
BTW, Tobias is your computer. But certainly you already knew that.
sorry. Wrong answers
And yeah, Tobias certainly does sound like a breathing computer
She finds you rather
cute and amusing!
Posted by: miriam at October 10, 2003 12:28 AM