Chance Meeting... & anti-Zionism!
Category: Opinionated | 11 Comments | Posted 1:12Right now, I have 2 (two) Madonna songs in my mp3 folder. You'll See and Nothing Fails. One I own legally and one I downloaded illegally. I have 298 tracks in my folder in total. I have my mp3 player set to "random" or "shuffle" (whatever you wanna call it). So the chance of the 2 Madonna tracks playing back to back is.... um, er, whatever it is (feel free to work it out), it's extremely low. But they just did. I wonder what that tells me. That I should listen more to Madonna?
Just like last night. I dreamt (among many other things) that my wonderful Lara (car) was stolen. I'd only left her for 2 minutes, so I hadn't locked her, and when I came back, she was gone. What does that mean? That my car will get stolen soon? That I'm still scared because I had a car stolen once? That I was bored and couldn't think of anything else to dream of?
Eeenyway. So I'm back from my trip to Mainz visiting T & K. I had fun as usual; playing video games and watching telly and going shopping and talking and laughing and doing weird things with them. I have to say I am extremely fortunate to have cool friends the way I do. I guess most people do find the friends they're looking for, you know, conformist or extremist, geeky or fashionable, simplistic or genial, diurnal or nocturnal, whatever they're after. But I still do feel rather lucky to have come across people as cool as my friends. I love you all! (but you're all fucking mental!)
Right, um. Done some work on a new layout. Might finish it tonight, so if you see a background that ain't black, it's prolly the new look. I'd also like to thank Jamie Leigh for mentioning me in her diary, hehehe. The next part of "how to be JL" will be out sometime soon. As soon as I can be bothered.
There was something else.... ah yes, Israel.
It's stupid, but I just wanted to say something about it. First off: blissful ignorance - how true is that!!
I didn't really check the news over the w/e. I read about the Haifa attack, and read about the Israeli government planning retribution (that bit was predictable anyway). I expected it would be the usual bombing somewhere in the Gaza Strip or whatever. Not saying that makes it any less outrageous. Just less unexpected.
I only found out what had happened after I read Michelle's I declare my Blog an Israel-free Zone entry. I thought 'woah, there must have been something rather extreme for her to react so drastically.'
And so there had. I mean fucking hell!! I have friends from Syria, from Lebanon, from Palestine... partly these are people who've been through the hell of the previous wars, people who still suffer the consequences - so I can't even tell how much this outrages me (and yes I'm aware the terror & the suicide bombings are scary & demoralising too). But apart from my personal, totally subjective point of view, I have to say this is absolutely unacceptable politically.
To quote Michelle: "I'll comment again as soon as some countries invaded Israel to put these people under control" - when is there finally going to be a unanimous, politically untainted condemnation of the injustices perpetrated by the Israeli government? The further this country goes, the more socially acceptable the "Auschwitzkeule" is gonna become!
Actually this is another interesting topic for my "Live and Learn" category. The position of Western Europe regarding the Middle East question. Indeed. Stay tuned for an entry about that! (but before that, hopefully, a new layout)
LMAO my Winamp (er... when I had Winamp) would shuffle too, yet it always seemed to play Michael back to back.
Methinks your dream means the latter. Since you're not psychic, I doubt that means your car WILL be stolen. If all our dreams came true, I'd be running around Egypt being chased by a pink elephant wearing a hat.
Ooh, colourful banner at top of page! Looking forward to this new layout!! Is it gonna be like your cam pics?
God Madonna wrecks my head. Sorry, but... she just does. Aww @ friends bit - and I will read Israel thingy soon.
LMAO @ BML's dream!!! Elephent's in Eygpt? I thought it was flying horses!!! Or is it that as well?
Btw this entry is called Chance Meeting...
What was the meeting??
Er, was from song I was listening to. Couldn't think of a title
LOL - love the new colours btw.
Unfortunately can't see the images til I go home, cos have decided to disable images on my work comp. Makes my life a lot better!
All I can see is the colours and text - and it's lookin' good!!! Noice purple & pink!
Ooooh but the images are the most important!
Aye, but don't want them at work. I esp don't want to see people's sigs. And if anyone looks at me comp they won't know straight away what I'm doing. Praise ye lord!
Posted by: Sinead at October 6, 2003 10:22 PMLOL ah yes I see. Yes sigs. Annoying people at messageboards
LOL indeed.
Will enable it again, just for a few mins, cos am damn curious about this photo of circles LOL. But then will do away it again!! *hee hee*
BTW about my entry I'd just like to add - I currently do not support any of the sides - not Palestinians and not Israelis. Just if I had to decide I'd say I lean more to the Palestinian side. But I had to say I declare it an Israel-free zone, because there is no country for Palestinians yet. I would have included that country if there were one. People probably misunderstand that part about my entry and think it's purely against Israel's government, but it's not. I can't approve what both sides are doing, but I do not want to comment on it any longer - neither on what Palestinians do, nor on what Israelis do.
Posted by: Michelle at October 6, 2003 07:35 AM