Category: Life & Me | 17 Comments | Posted 14:22OK, coffee is the most disgusting thing!!!!!!!
How can people drink it, HOW!?!?!
It's repulsive, dreadful, sickening, revolting, horrible!!!
Puke puke puke!
Yes yes, I'm fiiiine. Nothing to worry about. You there, put that straightjacket away, and stop with the worried mumbling everyone. See, the thing is this: I did another bit of self-help research about my headaches earlier, and came across this: "[headaches] can also come from stress, certain medications, eye strain, viral infection, not getting enough sleep or too much or too little caffeine." Now y'all may know I'm rather Coke addicted (Diet, No Ice)... usually, but I haven't had any for over a week. So I thought, "Eureka!" (yes, that's what I thought - maybe it's related to PhotoTime Tuesday's current theme), anyway, Eureka is what I thought, and furthermore, "ah, maybe that's what it is then". Lack of caffeine I mean.
Now, having no Coke in the house, and knowing that the caffeine concentration in Coke is rather low after all, and also hearing my dentist's warning words still ringing in my ears ("Coke is baaad for the teeth, mmkay? If you drink Coke, much drilling must be done to your teeth" *ominous look, drill in hand*), well, with all that in mind, I resolved to brew myself a cup of this awful beverage.
Some explaining must be done. I had not drunk coffee since the age of six, when I'd made the mistake of ordering a cup at school for 4 o'clock tea. I'd wanted to be all big and grown up like the older kids, who all drank coffee. But as soon as I'd taken the first gulp of the horrible brew, I found it to be much to my distaste, in fact, completely undrinkable. But the evil nuns (for I did spend one year at a catholic boarding school, yes, yes, now you know whence my hatred stems) made me drink it up, can you believe it? Poor little child that I was, having innocently ordered the wrong drink, they forced it down my throat and unknowingly (?) scarred me for life. Never again was I going to touch that horrible, horrible concoction.
Until today. After all, it had been 20 years, and though I had never since found the smell of it alluring, or felt tempted to try it again, I thought maybe it was now time to overcome this old trauma of mine, that maybe I would like it after all, and as I said, no Coke in the house, lack of caffeine, yadda yadda.
Well I've been cured for life!
Coffee is the most disgusting thing!!!!!!!
How can people drink it, HOW!?!?!
It's repulsive, dreadful, sickening, revolting, horrible!!!
Puke puke puke!
Ahem. Such is the story of Clarissa and Coffee. Incidentally, I do find that my headache has rather improved. Must I return to good old Diet Coke then... *woefully shakes head* Or maybe Caffeine pills? Hm nah, Coke will do. *wanders off to the supermarket*
>>I'm rather Coke addicted (Diet, No Ice)...
>>("Coke is baaad for the teeth, mkay? If you drink Coke, much drilling must be done to your teeth" *ominous look, drill in hand*),
I haven't been to the dentist for about 2 years. Uh-oh...
LOL... kyoot entry tho :X Glad head better. No need for punching then...
PS. Everyone finds coffee revolting at first. Much like beer and wine. I used to think I could never do it.
However, much line the wine, it has becometh an acquired tasteth.
Still hate beer tho. (eth)
Posted by: The BML at October 1, 2003 03:04 PM dammit. I fecking HATE these smilies...
Now that's totally wrong. Coke is disgusting, Coffee rules. And Cigs. Yup, coffee and cigs, no life without them.
Posted by: Bjoern at October 1, 2003 03:10 PMYeah I read the tenseness thing too, and I DO have a shoulder problem, but the headache was rather too precise & piercing to be related to that.
@ beer & cigarettes.
And yes I know you can become used to it, but I don't think I can. Seriously made me shudder with every gulp I took. Wine never did that to me, not even cigarettes do. Coffee is decidedly EVIL!
ewww @ beer, wine and cigarettes *blurgh*
coffee though...
Get used to coffee by using lots of sugar and milk. Later reduce the non-coffee portions.
Posted by: Tobias at October 1, 2003 04:23 PMBut why I ask you, why!? Is there a law that you MUST like coffee? I had plenty of sugar (and a little milk) in my cup, and found that the sickly sweet taste only made it worse.
I totally agree with you. I also don't like coffee.
Posted by: Suha at October 1, 2003 05:25 PMHooray! Let's create a coffee hater club!
coffee is fucking rank!! I spent all summer trying to like the stuff, tasting loads of different kinds of bean and flavor and strength but I think I now hate it more than ever!
beer and wine blow too!
Posted by: squiZZ at October 4, 2003 04:00 PM
*lol* you krazzy! coffee can be yummy!
headaches can also be caused by tenseness in your shoulders, from sitting too much at the computer and such.
Posted by: Michelle at October 1, 2003 03:03 PM