The Headache Update... and more.
Category: Life & Me | 11 Comments | Posted 21:40"My headache is much better. Well it is now, who knows what will be tomorrow."
Indeed. It was back in full glory today. Well it's ok now, but it was bugging me for most of the day. It generally seems to be better in the evenings. The dentist says it can't be related to the tooth (and tbh it was a rather weird tooth headache). So basically we're back to square one. Well I still have my antibiotics to take, but who knows if they'll help. If there's no change tomorrow, I'll go to a different doctor. Hooray for going round in circles.
So that's what my eventful life is about these days: my headache. I'm like one of those old grannies sat on a bench in the park, moaning about her numerous different ailments. (funny, I just thought "can't use such long words, I only have 160 characters".. *ahem*). Eeenyway, at least I went outside today, got rid of all the rubbish from my closets, so my room is now finally emptied of all the old stuff I don't need or want anymore. Ready to move to another country, wooo yay!
Found this funny site (pics of people posing dead), I submitted two of the suicide pics I took ages ago (remember Michelle?) Will let you know when they're reviewed & online.
ARRRGH! You have to be registered to comment!!!
I wanted to comment on one of them "OI! You don't look dead, mate! Get back to work!!"
HA HA HA!!!!
Register then, it only takes 10secs. No confirmation emails or anything.
it's too crazy
I "prefer" Death by Overdose, looks pretty nice. lol
Posted by: Lo at October 1, 2003 05:50 AM @ "can't use such long words, I only have 160 characters"
That website's cool. Maybe I'll have the nerve to submit a thing, too. That's fun. Rude, but fun.
People posing dead: Reminds me of the great movie "Harold and Maude".
Aaaah the pics be up
And yeah, I might take more pics too. I like "dead in weird places"
LOL @ BML Me. Has been there for weeks, that.
Hehe, Harold & Maude sounds funny (just read summary).
Posted by: Clarissa at October 1, 2003 12:57 PMI just killed myself at home, too. My pics are up already, too.
Hehehehe, I just saw and commented on one
So they weren't related?
Well at least the headache is getting better. LOL ah no, you don't sound like a granny - I HATE it when they complain about their bowels and all that -eurgh!
Ooooooooh - people posing dead!! Thankie for link! This should be good!!
*hee hee* @ dead in weird places....
Posted by: Sinead at September 30, 2003 10:33 PM