Tribute to Paris
Category: Life & Me | 19 Comments | Posted 19:06Yeah, behold the new layout. Not quite where I started out (it was gonna be bright and colourful, hehe), but as I'm obsessed with Paris and feeling kinda dark at the moment, I think it's quite fitting. It's the view East from Pont des Arts. I love Paris.
Ah yes, isn't that funny, I mentioned to my mum yesterday that I was planning to go back to Paris next week-end and she seemed quite delighted and suggested she join me. Which I was happy to accept. She has a coat to buy apparently. And I have a jumper to replace. And a city to drool at. So hopefully we'll be back off Friday to Sunday!
Can't wait!
Got a phonecall from Craig earlier. He's back in Sydney!
He had to leave earlier than planned cuz of the
rugby championship
, has been at work already and all. He sounded a lot clearer & closer now than whenever he was in Europe tho
(mainly cuz he was always on mobile or cheap calling cards).
Ah yes, offline time yesterday, yeah it went well, I missed the Net sometimes when I was bored, but didn't when I had something to do. Tho I did feel like I was missing out on stuff. So I've decided to space out my abstinence days next week: one day online, one day offline. Oh and I DID get stuff done btw! Have thrown out heaps of clothes.. and there's more to come. And tidied people. And rung room. Hm no, the other way round. Whatever.
Well we've discussed it again tonight... yeah I think we're going. If not, I'll go on my own. You should come too!
Looks AMAZING!!!!
LOVE layout!!!
And @ going back to Paris!!!
Tho will miss
Will be back soon after.
Glad like
YAY @ tidying room (& people). Feels good, no?
Damn men and their sport. Just... damn them.
Enjoy weekend in Paris!!!
LOL @ men, no wasn't that he wanted to see it tho, just that all the freaks who wanna go are using all the flight seats.
Posted by: Clarissa at September 13, 2003 11:12 PMAaaaaaaaahhhh! That's ok then! I take it back about the bike guy!! I was getting a bit disappointed in him there, for a minute! LOL
btw have just listened to your chitchat.wav from the 11th now, and CUTE!!!
You travel across europe all the time. Where do you get all the money from? *jealous*
Posted by: Vega at September 14, 2003 07:42 AMS'troo...
Paris not really that far from Citz Me tho, she can just drive :)
Posted by: The BML at September 14, 2003 01:38 PMFeckin' smilies.
Posted by: The BML at September 14, 2003 01:38 PM aye, so it is. Besides, when I go with my mum, she pays.
And when I don't, I go to the UK, stay at friends' and travel cheap
*woot* love your layout!! j'adore paris
I am going there in 2 months, I can't wait.
Investing in a drivers license is good, I see. I wish I didnt hate cars so much and wasnt so lazy. Got no character at all.
Posted by: Vega at September 15, 2003 01:12 AMWeeeeeeeee @ Evelien! Lucky thing!
Everyone who loves Paris is my hero
Indeed @ Vega. Driving - good. Fire - bad. (LMAO never mind me). Being lazy is good actually. Hating cars isn't. Cars are wonderful. Especially my Lara
Je vois que tu te pose vraiment les bonnes question!
Paris ou non???
Argent maman?
Um... oui, et alors?
Awww black again.Lovely layout.
Ohh.... nice layout! So you're going to Paris again? *jealous*
Posted by: Suha at September 13, 2003 10:45 PM