This sucks. Going offline.
Category: Life & Me | 6 Comments | Posted 17:05Well, for a while anyway. I'm getting nothing done as long as I have Internet access, and I do have lots of stuff that needs doing. I simply lack the self-discipline necessary to drag myself away from this damn computer, so I guess the only way is the hard way.
I will do a test run tomorrow and do the most urgent stuff. Then I'll be back on over the week-end, firstly cuz most of the stuff I need to do I can only do on weekdays, and secondly because there are things I need the Net for too - looking for jobs, contacting uni, writing a CV, and so on. Then I'll take another 3 days off next week. Hopefully I'll have everything done by then. And maybe I'll have found out that life without the Net isn't so bad after all.
LOL yeah I'll make a list, but a paper one. I will give the modem to my mum - I just KNOW I'll give in to temptation otherwise.
Posted by: Clarissa at September 11, 2003 06:52 PM
@ giving modem to mum
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! You can't just leave. :(
Posted by: RS78 at September 11, 2003 07:44 PMAaawww @ Anne. I have to. It's for the best!
>>maybe I'll have found out that life without the Net isn't so bad after all.
*hopes not*
it's sure not bad to take some time off. i lately thought about doing that, too. but then again, i also do stuff online that makes sense at times, and my offline-trouble has gotten solved as far as possible at the moment. so...
i hope you come back again soon and just make a random entry on how you're doing and what you've solved already. to me it's always motivating to make an entry with a list of what i have to do, and then really go through it fast.
Posted by: Michelle at September 11, 2003 06:20 PM