God I'm weird
Category: Life & Me | 18 Comments | Posted 10:59I had a dream about IP addresses. No really! I was online, and somehow WinXP had a floating window that displayed my IP address... in a HUGE font, and it kept changing, even tho I didn't reconnect or anything. I remember thinking "ah so is this a new security feature?"
Hum yeah, so much about my dreams. Someone came to my site looking for embarrassing videos, hehehe. I've also noticed that my wonderful Blog is result #7 on Google for Clarissa, with Clarissaweb still being #4. That's good. Sorry for my Google obsession.
And... abnormal?!
LOL I found it in the list of referrers of my counter. And yes, abnormal. No like?
Aaaah, thought it'd be sth technical like that *lol* You're always finding stuff like this out, and I'm like "hooooooooooooow did she do that??" *lol*
No, isn't that don't like... just that you NOT abnormal. Unless you count fluffy, kyoot and MINE as being such?
Posted by: The BML at August 20, 2003 11:38 AMBut abnormal isn't bad. Abnormal is good. Normal is boring. Therefore bad.
Bein't technical. Be just, well, going to counter site and checking page
Abnormal is bad tho. 'Different' is good, abnormal is like... having 2 heads or sth.
Posted by: The BML at August 20, 2003 12:02 PM That's what you say. abnormal is "out of the norm" - if you interpret it negatively, it's your fault.
Well I don't know it.
Look into your soul, my child... deep, into your soul... *ommmmmm*
There. Told ya.
Posted by: The BML at August 20, 2003 02:42 PMBALLS!!! How come : pray doesnt work??
your dream is THE proof for your Internet addiction, i tell you.
Meehee, u'r sure?
I am NOT addicted. I could quit this any moment.
No serious!
But then suffer seriously and come back again after a week at least.
How do you know that someone found it by looking up embarassing videos? What do u do to find out?
Posted by: The BML at August 20, 2003 11:06 AM