Misc. Site Updates
Category: Updates | 6 Comments | Posted 2:35OK quick entry before bed... I've just spent a few hours working on a text about Atheism (you may remember I wanted to write something about it for my site), so hopefully I'll put that online one of these days. I bet y'all can't wait. *lol*
Right, there are some more update news... BML Me has put online some of the pictures I took in Scotland, so go here right now. Rather wonderful of her if you ask me.
As for me, I've added a new "piece" to the Art Gallery. It's the last one in the table & it refreshes automatically, so please keep viewing for alternate versions of it. There are 6, they're refreshed at random.
I have also finally put a new page up for my dad's domain name, it had been empty for a while. Nothing glam, but at least there's something.
Wonderfuller of you to TAKE them!!
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bored. No one is online. You're still in bloody bed, even tho it's midday.
Or maybe you've gone out.
Um no. Prob bed.
God I'm bored. Bored bored bored.
Posted by: The BML at August 19, 2003 12:32 PMLOL bed indeed
Atheism? Cool!
Call me old-fashioned, but I worship the sun.
...sexy new hair gel! *looks at cam* :-D
Posted by: Proo at August 19, 2003 03:51 AM