Out of the Dark
Category: Self-analysis | 8 Comments | Posted 1:26I was thinking the other day about how I got caught up in this massive depression after my dad's death, and how everything seemed bleak and hopeless. I felt like so much of my life was unbearable. I was dragging myself from day to day wondering when life would finally make me smile again as it had done before.
I think I can now say I've come to that point. My life is good again. Not always of course, I get sad from time to time, and I am still rather lethargic, and I'm slightly anxious about my uncertain future. But it's not this huge suffocating grey mass it was a year ago. I'm content. I like my life. I'm excited about what lies ahead.
But there are also good things in the past. It's weird the memories that make me happy - that bring an excited smile to my face no matter how annoyed I am.
There's the Moby ticket I won last November... I was so longing to go and hadn't got a ticket, and was convinced I'd miss the show, and then luck comes my way and I win this ticket.
And then there's MJ touching my hand in London. It's silly I know, and I don't think it's something anyone who's not a fan can understand. So this man stroked my hand (deliberately, he didn't have to), and even a year on it gives me a warm & fuzzy feeling inside.
What both things have in common is that I was very lucky. Maybe that's what makes me happy then - luck. I guess that's mainly cuz I'm usually very unlucky, so it makes it all the more exceptional. I still wouldn't mind winning the lottery every few weeks tho.
I just noticed you got the link to my site wrong. It's .com not .de ....
Posted by: Anne at August 14, 2003 07:05 AMAwwwww cute. *BML likes when Citz is happy*
Great that you're doing better! I'm still in the grey mass phase myself...
Why isn't your trip to Switzerland mentioned as one of the positive things in the past, HUH???
There IS a light at the end of the tunnel!!
LOL @ Switzerland trip. No luck involved there, was there?
Aw, I'm glad your life is getting better now. It does take a while I'd say. I sometimes think maybe when someone in your family dies, that they bring you luck. Lucky things happen to ppl soon after.
Posted by: Sinead at August 16, 2003 01:44 AMHm, really?
Hey Clarissa:
I am glad you are better now. Life is good and with time, everything heals. Enjoy your day. I gotta hurry to uni now.
Posted by: Anne at August 14, 2003 07:04 AM