FUCK Luxembourg
Category: Opinionated | 16 Comments | Posted 17:12Here's another reason why I hate living in this country (among so many more):
We are tiny. We are rich, but we aren't exactly an important market, considering our size. So an absolute minority of companies actually bother setting up customer service for us. We always have to make do with either Belgium or Germany, or sometimes France.
So we pay extra shipping costs. I can live with that. But we also have to pay for the stuff through some complicated international transfer system... either Int'l Money Transfer (which costs a bloody FORTUNE!), or whatever other greedy system they have thought up.
See, I have a Nintento Game Boy Advance SP. My pigs ate the A/C cable (wasn't my fault). Now our shops don't sell A/C cables yet cuz you're not supposed to wreck them that soon; so I can only order them directly from Nintendo. Nintendo Belgium of course. So you have the choice between int'l money order (meaning you pay sth like €13 for the cable, €6.7 for the shipping, and €10 for the money order fee), and, well, sending a €20 note in an envelope.
I mean, it is actually REALLY nice of Nintendo Belgium to ACCEPT cash. Usually you have the choice between 13+6.7+10=€29.7 and, well, not getting the cable. Does that suck or not? I think it does. Living in small marginary countries that no one gives a fuck about sucks big time.
I can't wait to be part of one big and powerful country again (whether their government supported Dubya or not - the only reason my government didn't was cuz no one fucking cares anyway). A country with its own special deals, its own Coca-Cola Promotions, its own MTV competitions and all of that crap.
I thought you were living in England...
Posted by: RS78 at July 29, 2003 06:58 PMMehe, Lux gotta merge with Germany. Then you'll be ok. Though then you'll find something else to complain about, err?
LOL cuuuuuuuuute Citzy! You can come and be a part of something fresh, clean and sweet! Austraaaalia. Come live under my bed. There's a tiger under there... :)
Posted by: Jess at July 30, 2003 01:50 AM>>Come live under my bed.
did you say clean and fresh? lol
Under my bed is clean and fresh. My tiger (aka mj) is fed and bathed every day.
Posted by: Jess at July 30, 2003 07:19 AMoooh... I see.
How about credit cards?
And isn't the whole of the EU supposed to do free (or extremely cheap) banking now, like you can send money to the bank in BE through your bank?
Anyway Lux is tiny, drive to your nearest neighbouring country and get yourself a cable there lol
Anne, no I used to study there and am going back there, but right now I'm in Lux.
@ merging with Germany, Luxembourgers would hate that. Bad reminiscences of "Heim ins Reich"
LMAO @ Jess OK
No, these people don't accept credit cards unfortunately. It's the same with buying from private ppl (eBay etc). And we pay a fee for transferring money too - instead of making everything free, they made everything payable here (that is we pay for inland transfers too). Great eh?
Me loves England too. :) Actually no, feck England, just Lunnon!
God all those costs sounds like hell. I'm sure there are advantages to living in Lux too, tho (I'm starting to sound like my mother so I'll shut it).
Posted by: Sinead at August 2, 2003 03:55 PMluxembourg rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or not?
I don't know really...
Posted by: chris at November 18, 2003 02:50 AMcheck out www.keng-roueg.lu
here you can fuck luxembourg some more
Posted by: at December 4, 2003 12:22 AMstop being such a stupid cry baby......luxembourg is a great place compared to most countries in the world where "game boy advances" can't even be afforded....
luxembourg REPRESENT!!!
Posted by: tony s at December 10, 2003 02:47 AMIs there any advantages of living in luxemburg
Posted by: celticnton at January 19, 2004 03:33 PM
lol, that was very cute!
Posted by: squiZZle at July 29, 2003 05:48 PM