And the sun shines..
Category: Life & Me | 11 Comments | Posted 13:51Now that Craig is gone, we have nice weather again. I'm feeling kinda uninspired now, maybe it's PMS (do you say PMS or PMT? Which one do you prefer?). I did get quite a lot of stuff done yesterday tho, I reorganised my mess of a CD collection, it's all in alphabetical order again now (tho 2 CDs are missing ) and I've put some CDs aside that I want to get rid of. I've also sorted out that massive pile of paperwork that had been growing and growing for months. Luckily I didn't find anything hugely important that should have been handed in or sent off 2 months ago. I binned all the crap relating to school - that too was a relief.
I've kind of felt like writing fiction these past few days. I felt it particularly strongly last night, but I was in bed by then and not bothered enough to get up again. Also, feeling the desire to write isn't the same as having inspiration of course. So today I've had a look around the Net looking for inspiration and it's not coming. I guess I will have to abandon the idea. After all, I am an essay writer and nothing else. A lazy one at that. Oooh the shame.
Craig is nicking CDs!
Ah, it IS a relief binning crap, I know. Go on, write some fiction. You read so much that sth good is bound to come out of ya. I don't read, me.
A-WOO HOO!!! *lol*
Ahem. That was to Citz Me. Sinead, you posted at the EXACT same time as me, how COULD you?!
(or should that be :-p)
Posted by: The BML at July 28, 2003 05:51 PMI don't bloody believe it. The one fecking time...
Posted by: The BML at July 28, 2003 05:51 PMWeehee, I've had that urge to write some fiction throughout the past days, too. But I know it would just end up in a messy crazy ending, so I just let it be for now. LOL
Posted by: Michelle at July 28, 2003 07:34 PMOh SORRY BML. I'll try not to post comments at the same time as you in future.
LOL!!! And see the link above this saying "Smiley Codes"? Aye. Guess what that's for, now.
LOL @ Sinead. I listen to a lot of music too, and I'm a dreadful singer.
Michelle, crazy endings are good. I loved the stories you wrote when you had no Internet! Great style, you should write more.
And indeed @ Smiley codes. Just check them. And preview your message!
Posted by: Clarissa at July 28, 2003 11:58 PMAww, man! You should have told me earlier. I always thought everyone thought my stories sucked ass, cuz nobody ever commented on them.
Ahhh no more Craig :( Citz Me is swinging single again then? ;) *lol*
Posted by: The BML at July 28, 2003 03:21 PM