Resurrect the Browser?
Category: Updates | 8 Comments | Posted 16:09So I've been trying to come up with a layout for my "About Clarissa" site. I'm not very inspired, tho I'm working on an idea... but anyway, while going thru my CDs I came across the Clarissa Browser again, and just thought it really was a freaking good idea, and why shouldn't I use it again?

Some of you may not remember it - it has the coolest little features, the buttons pop when you hover, same as real IE, and there's a different look for each sub-page.
So I put the question to you - do you think the browser should return? Please let me know in the comments (I could do a poll for it, but I'm far too lazy).
I remember it!! *feels old*
Posted by: The BML at July 10, 2003 05:02 PM OK, it's coming back
Hehe, all I need was 2ppl's comments. I'd already decided anyway, sorta.
Is freaky cuz I've registered for the site - before I remembered the browser. Fits perfectly.
wooohoo! make the browser return! the great browser shall come back once again
Yey for the browser! I miss the browser! I loved the browser...........
I thought it was bangin' too! Don't see why you keep changing things!! ;)
Posted by: Sinead at July 12, 2003 12:50 AM Well cuz I like working out new layouts. But yes yes, is coming back. Will do some more work on it now
I want to see it, therefore should return.
Posted by: Lo at July 10, 2003 04:41 PM