He's a British comedian, probably best known for his books Are You Dave Gorman? and Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure (yes he likes to have his name in book titles).
Anyway. He also takes pretty pics, and I highly recommend his "most interesting photos" set on Flickr, and most notably his cities by night, such as Stockholm, New York, London, Chicago, Seattle, and so on.
Yay for Flickr awesomeness! (I should probably start using del.icio.us to keep track of this stuff)
@ the New York pictures.
In regards to your last post about the amazing-American-accent - you will have mastered it once you have pronounce this word the American way.
for volleyball
good luck, and good night!
Why thank you. I think I could probably fake that with some practice. But volleyball lacks the politics angle that makes it sexy...
Posted by: Clarissa on Sat December 16, 2006 at 22:38