And what is there to say... not much really. It's good to be back in my colourful little flat. It's stormy and rainy but I don't care cuz I am inside. And it's not really very cold, which is good cuz it means I save money on heating.
Travelog? Or something like that...
Luxembourg was weird as usual. I met with some friends and went to see horsey a few times, and that's more or less it. Everything seems so vast and deserted there. I know that sounds strange considering it's a tiny country. The first night my mum was out with the car and I was stuck at home and felt so trapped and so I went for a walk. It was just eerie. There was no one around, I think I met like 2 people. Ok so it was nearly midnight, but still, I'm used to more... life. So I freaked out a little.
And then that huge house. I don't get how my mum can live in there. I had this vision... you know, you draw a plan of the house and yourself in it, and you're just this tiny dot moving around in this biiig building. And everything is sooo far apart! Ok so I complain sometimes that my flat is too small but at least here it seems that I matter. These walls around me contain my little world and I don't feel lost in vastness. Don't know if this makes any sense to anyone. But it felt weird to me anyway.
After Lux I travelled on to Mainz, and then to Frankfurt where I met cute little Joanne aka half-pint. She is very very lovely. And very pretty. Like so:
We... tried to do touristy stuff but we kinda ran out of ideas pretty soon. We did spend an awful lot of time at the Christmas market tho...
We also walked along the Main, went to the Modern Arts Museum, and to the Palmengarten... and some other stuff.
And then she left (sniff) and I had 2 more days (or so) with Katja and Tobias, which we spent mostly at home watching things and playing things and being lazy (me especially). But we went to see Robert Gernhardt's grave in Frankfurt (also sniff).
And then I came back. Tomorrow I have to go shopping for food. I got my Placebo tickets today - I'm going to see them very very very soon, whee!
I have lots to read... magazines and stuff. So I shall be off to bed now. Therefore: The End.
Do you like xmas-markets?
I feel neutral about them. This one has lots of yummy food. And, well, there was not much else to do.
I'm not sure I should tell you this... As it's just odd... especially considering I don't really know you....
Oh what the heck...
I had a vivid dream that you killed yourself last night... you overdosed on some pills - well actually, a lot of pills.
Anyhoo... as you're alive and well: Merry Christmas or something.
(Now that I come to think about it logically, I was reading up on suicide methods before I went to bed... so that might have been the trigger)
Posted by: Mark on Wed December 6, 2006 at 11:26
And thanks, same to you... or something.
@ that dream... err.
Cool entry!
Weird dream!
Back Citz!
Posted by: The BML on Thu December 7, 2006 at 17:31Cute slore
I think I have now fucked up my laptop completely! (Damn Dell for suggesting I fix it myself.
Um well i deleted the system file and copied the one from the CD and now it won't let me do anything + if I start windows it says something-something-starting-to-dump-memory-1-2-3-4-5-6-etc and then I turn it off
ah yes that sounds scary.
Boot from CD and reinstall Windows? Hopefully you won't lose your files (depending on what kind of restore CD your laptop shipped with).
Hm, this makes me wanna back up my data again for a change.
It says I have to format before I reinstall.
Yeah it makes me wanna back up date too... a week ago.
Posted by: Monica on Wed December 13, 2006 at 15:47Ah. Shucks.
There are still ways to save the stuff if it's super-important... but it's all a lot of hassle.
Posted by: Clarissa on Wed December 13, 2006 at 17:04