Quiz stolen from here, which was originally from here I assume. I've deleted some questions.
1. Where will you be when it turns 2007?
Dunno, probably Brighton tho.
3. What song are you listening to right now?
Dunno, sth by Franz Ferdinand cuz Katja is playing Guitar Hero on the PS2.
4. Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
God yeah, countless times, I get way too emotional about stuff.
6. Do you own an iPod?
I'm not sure. I own one but I don't have it.
9. What makes you happiest?
Placebo concerts. Friends, if they're not being cunts.
10. What’s your favorite memory with friends?
I have loads of really great memories with friends. So dunno.
11. What makes you feel depressed?
Myself mostly. And friends, when they're being cunts. Or when they're miserable.
14. What was the last movie you watched?
Little Miss Sunshine with Joanne just this afternoon. Was fun.
17. What did you dream last night?
Dunno, I had loads of dreams. I always do these days and remember them vividly when I wake up, but forget them soon after. And most of them are weird so I wouldn't share them anyway.
18. What was the last TV show you watched?
Some AIDS charity thing on German telly.
19. What is your favorite piece of jewelery?
My snake ring(s). The only thing I wear at all times.
21. You’re playing blackjack. You’re dealt a jack and a seven. Hit or stay?
22. Who last text messaged you?
23. Are you on any medication?
Anti-histamines for my annoying itch!!!
28. What’s your favorite store?
Primark? Asda? Amazon? Depends on what I want dunnit.
30. How often do you watch the news?
Rarely. I check news online.
31. When was the last time you got felt up?
Non-jokingly? Quite a while back.
32. Do you care what people think about you?
Depends who. The ones I like - sure. The ones I don't care about can go fuck themselves.
33. Have you ever done something to instigate trouble?
Of course.
37. Are you aggressive?
I can be, yes.
40. What is the thing that you would most like to change about yourself?
Lack of willpower / lethargy.
45. What do you tell yourself when times get hard?
Nothing. I complain a lot to friends.
46. Would you ever sky-dive?
Dunno, don't think so.
47. How do you like your eggs?
Mostly hard-boiled or fried.
48. Have you ever bid for something on eBay?
No, this Internet stuff scares me. (lol)
50. Are you an affectionate person?
I can be. Depends who with.
52. Do you own a digital camera?
More than one *lol*.
55. Does it annoy you when someone says they’ll call but don’t?
Yeah. I hate people who say they'll do sth and then don't do it.
56. What are you allergic to?
I wish I knew so I could do sth about this fucking itch!!! Oh and benzoyl peroxide.
57. Are you a jealous person?
58. Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat?
You still have that itch?
Maybe this will teach you to keep your legs CLOSED next time!!!!!
Posted by: Mel on Sat December 2, 2006 at 13:19 @ Mel. I'm not a whore like you.