Everything sucks.
1. I've lost my Lux SIM card.
2. I don't wanna go to Lux.
3. My Placebo tickets still haven't been delivered and I doubt they will be before I leave.
4. My suitcase is way too heavy and still doesn't contain enough clothes. And I'm sure I've forgotten something. I hate travelling.
[edit] I've found the SIM card!! But the rest still sucks.
Awwww. That sucks about the tickets. What time you leaving, this aft?
Posted by: The BML on Fri November 24, 2006 at 10:59Yeah. In an hour and a bit. Wah!
Poor Citz!
Are you going to Lux or something?
Posted by: Mel on Fri November 24, 2006 at 16:11God, not very fast are you? Cunt.
Posted by: BML on Fri November 24, 2006 at 17:26Don't insult my Goddess Mel.
Posted by: stagiaire on Sat November 25, 2006 at 1:12