Annoyed with MJ, with exams, with bad timing, with MJ fans, with the world....
So I've spent some 5 months doing sweet fuck all. I had no commitments whatsoever (other than my numerous trips to distant lands) and would have welcomed a nice MJ interlude.
Any time but now!!!!!!!
But of coouuurse he decided to come to the stupid WMAs, and of cooourse some idiot decided to schedule the event right in the middle of my stupid exams. So here I am, supposedly studying, but of course doing nothing of the sort because my annoyance is distracting me from my books. So I might as well have gone to London really. Where he greeted his fans just an hour or so ago.
And on Wednesday (in the middle of my exams, have I already mentioned that) I will be rushing up to London to stand in the cold for a few hours, then stand through a boring awards ceremony for a few hours, just to see MJ come on stage for a few minutes. And then I will rush on to some MJ fan party, full of annoying MJ fans, just to see MJ for another few minutes.
And why oh why, I ask you? Because I can't stand the thought of missing out on something, that's why. Hmph. If they're gonna get to see him, then I need to see him too. Simple as that. Annoying isn't it?
Oh God and MJ fans!!! They are unbearable! "OMG OMG OMG i cannot waaaaiiiiittt only 2 days until i see him michael pleeeeaase wait for meeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!111 i'm so excited aaaaaargh" etc - they're doing my fucking head in. And if I see this smiley one more time I'm gonna scream!!! It should be banned from MJ boards. Why are people so moronic!??!?
Oh, and to add something about my own stupidity... yesterday I had the genius idea of rollerblading to Asda, so now I'm hurting all over. Seriously - why would I use my shoulder muscles when rollerblading? And my sides hurt too! *grrr* And of course I managed to fall on my stupid face too so I have three painful bruises to top it off. One on my right hand, which will make writing a 3hr exam all the more fun.
God I loathe and despise the whole world.
I feel ya on the whole MJ-thing. It just draws you into this whole scene when you know you can get there and everyone else will probably get to see him, touch him, maybe talk to him, sign this and that, and performance and all, and you just don't want to miss out.
On one hand I'm sad I'm not going now. On the other hand I'm glad I managed to resist in the end, because I find it annoying, too. But for MJ I would accept the annoying surrounding such an event.
Posted by: stagiaire on Mon November 13, 2006 at 23:11Jesus, me too. I hope they all fucking die.
Fucking morons.
Posted by: BML on Mon November 13, 2006 at 23:12Wooo! Are you going to stay at my place after the part Citz?
Posted by: Mel on Mon November 13, 2006 at 23:18No I'll prolly get a late train home. They run all night now apparently. And I need to get proper sleep in a bed before my exam
Indeed @ stagiaire. I love to hate it
Meh, i wish i could go tonight. To bad me is jobless, has no money and they announced it way to late (since only going to see getting him an award from far away might be a waste) for me to arrange things *sighs*
It's so unfair!
Anyway i hope you had fun anyway.
Posted by: Dudie on Wed November 15, 2006 at 20:30Are you pissed, cuz the party was cancelled? I'm still waiting for the reasons why.
Posted by: stagiaire on Thu November 16, 2006 at 0:44Hehe @ Dudie, yeah I wouldn't necessarily have travelled that far for it either.
No I'm actually quite happy cuz this way I made a reasonable train. I'd considered skipping it anyway cuz getting home at 5.30am seemed quite scary... and this way the decision was made for me
Report tomorrow after my PR exam... (short version: it was a lot of waiting for not a lot of MJ... you didn't miss anything, tho I'm glad I got to see him and experience the madness once again).
Posted by: Clarissa on Thu November 16, 2006 at 1:43Do you have an idea why the party was cancelled. It seems like a few fans messed it up. Is that true?
Posted by: stagiaire on Thu November 16, 2006 at 1:45No we didn't hear anything specific. We suspected it was a problem with the venue, as in the morning there were various stories going around that it was gonna be in Clapham all of a sudden etc... and then that Paul was meeting with MJ's people to discuss things.
Posted by: Clarissa on Thu November 16, 2006 at 1:47It seems like MJJF want to sell the story as if a few fans has caused trouble when the tickets where supposed to be sold, and it ended up being a security issue, because of those evil handful of fans.
Well, they plan on telling a story on it later. Trish already kicked my ass for spreading speculations. LOL, I love her, too.
Posted by: stagiaire on Thu November 16, 2006 at 1:51LMAO I seeee. Cuz yeah, fans were pissed off about the ticket issue - first we were supposed to pick them up at the Hilton, then at the venue, then somewhere else, and eventually they were told there weren't any being sold and you had to buy them at the door when going in. I can imagine being annoyed at that stage (I didn't go, LJ was gonna get my ticket).
Well we shall see what the official version is gonna be
Posted by: stagiaire on Thu November 16, 2006 at 2:04Here goes their version:
Posted by: stagiaire on Thu November 16, 2006 at 2:08I see. Interesting. Well it does all make sense, more or less.
Tho yeah, that sentence about fans annoying the Café de Paris was a bit unnecessary.
Tho I admit MJ fans can be very annoying lol.
Oh well. I'm off to bed now to get some rest before my exam. Night!
Though why would they annoy that place? But oh well, I guess I don't need to understand everything. So if they never reached MJ he probably ended up in front of closed doors. LMAO
Good luck with your exam. I'll be off to bed now, too.
Well by calling up all the time for instance? Fans are very good at that. And maybe (some) turning up too early and demanding tickets?
lol I'm sure they got hold of MJ on time. Funny cuz the first rumours we'd heard sounded like he'd cancelled the event.
Thanks re: exam.