So I've found something new to waste my time... using Google Codesearch to find amusing comments in code (stuff that is not usually read by anyone except those who modify the code later).
A search for "fucking" uncovers all kinds of gems...
21: # This job would be great if it wasn't for the fucking customers.
Well let's hope your boss never checks your code or you might be out of a job... then again he probably hates them too.
760: # heinous, considering the Last-Modified date could be later than that. I fucking hate you, you monopolizing piece of Netscape feces.
Wow, that must be some damn old piece of code! Netscape monopoly??
320: td.className = "icon";
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
Great variable!
And then there's this cute rant:
Oh well what can you expect from a company that write "Designed by Apple in California" with big letters when you open your box that the powerbook came in. Yes it fucking shows thats its designed in California!!(No offence to California though. Been there once and loved the place.)
There's loads more where that came from (of course other swear words work too lol).
Oh also very great and nerdy is XKCD, a very cute webcomic about "romance, sarcasm, math and language". I particularly like Bored with the Internet, Automatic Doors and Mispronouncing, but many of the others are cute too.
Fantastic. Tho why you suddenly thought to search for this I do not know. You must be SO bored.
lol yes that too. But I got the idea from this AskMefi question.
Posted by: Clarissa on Thu November 9, 2006 at 19:36Waaah, I love that.