Winter has finally caught up with us. I've dug out my winter duvet and my hot water bottle and plugged in my electric heater. So I thought I'd use the opportunity to say my goodbyes to what was, all things considered, a pretty damn awesome summer.
Playing with Google Earth earlier I looked at squiZZ's street and was yet again reminded of the very many great times I had there this summer. Lying in bed watching DVDs and complaining about the heat, with the cheapy Argos fan trying desperately to generate a feeble breeze. Or going for walks along the canal, or to Portobello Road, or going on neverending tube journeys to Pets at Home at the other end of town on a Sunday, and trying to find Tesco in some smelly neighbourhood, and finally giving up and going to Canary Wharf.
Or shuffling to the corner store in squi's flipflops, Thomas in tow, on a quest for more Coke, or alcohol, or sweets. Or sitting on the front step, playing with Tom's Sidekick while he's having a fag. Or surreptitiously ordering Dominos when we knew Alisdair would disapprove, and taking apart their mopeds while waiting for our order.
And then America! Last minute decision, defying all common sense, running away as I'd never run away before. What an amazing trip it was! Late nights in Jimmy's living room, chatting and drinking and being silly, talking for hours about so many things. Warm breathing creature all to myself, day and night. Exploring Washington in the scorching heat, hurrying from one air-conditioned monument to the next, and then to the closest air-conditioned museum, and then the closest air-conditioned café.
And my beloved New York of course. Manhattan and Brooklyn and Harlem and Staten Island, sticky clothes and stuffy subways, pizza places and delis, and the excitement of finding Diet Coke with Splenda. And onlineness from Starbucks, and seeing Pink yet again! And the coolest hotel room ever, and faecal jokes until they hated us. And loving all of it and hating none of it, not even all the annoying people.
And then Norway! Another last minute decision, and another crazy, amazing trip. Seeing my Mon and her hairless dog, and having her for a whole week, and doing nothing for some of it, and so much for some of it. And seeing Jimmy again too, and Jimmy and Mon together, which was very cute. And seeing Norway (or some of it), and it was beautiful. We slept in a tent, and in a hytte, and in a hostel-type-room, and we went in the sea and we drove through the mountains, and we saw green water, and I swam in a lake wearing all my clothes.
And there were many more memorable experiences. I went to Paris with the slore and met my mummy Prue. I went to Colmar for one of the most amazing Placebo concerts ever. I went to Pride with the slore and we had a blast making complete fools of ourselves. I went to London, several times, for very pleasant stays with Imelda. I went to Beachy Head with Kate. I went to Paris with my mum, and again for yet another divine Placebo concert.
And now summer's over. These are nothing but memories, forever in my past, and this is sad of course. And it does make me sad often. But they are beautiful memories that should be celebrated and cherished, and I hope this entry will contribute to that. For my own benefit, mostly.
I really do wish I could travel as much as you do. One day I will, honestly. And winter can be a time for the making of more fun (though slightly less hot) memories.
Though, you did forget ME. And, the, like, hour we spent together eating Subway and shopping and basking in the general Ally-gloryness. How rude.
Posted by: snow on Thu November 2, 2006 at 5:56 That was a lovely entry.
I really thought summer sucked because all I could feel was the unbearable heat but, when you put it like that...
Posted by: The BML on Thu November 2, 2006 at 9:46lol @ snow. Sowwee! (and I do travel a lot uh?)
Thanks slore. Summers rock!!!!
Posted by: Clarissa on Thu November 2, 2006 at 16:21You could come and babysit me for a few weeks because I will be all alone everyday and I don't like it and then you can also make more memories.
(where's Papaya?)
Mon and I drove her home yesterday because we were fed up with dealing with our neighbours who don't wanna look after their dog. So we will drive back to Steinkjer alone on Sunday. (I don't freak out in the car anymore btw, like I did on the drive back from Trysil. I'm such a good dog!
@ letting neighbours win. Mon should've just let Papaya eat their dog and then they would've learnt their lesson.
Not like they haven't been warned.