Natali posts surveys a lot, so I stole some... and posted them on Myspace, cuz it fits (and some of the questions are about my Top friends etc)
I didn't get the job btw. And I'm not in the mood for pity and/or encouragement, so please refrain.
I'm stealing your surveys to use sometime
Hehe no probs
Youre abandoning your own blog for mysp... my... ARGH! ...That bloody place! I cant even say it!! You better watch it or I'll buy RyanAir tickets to London, take the bus town to Brighton, come to your flat, smack you, then go to ASDA, buy their delicious salad, bus back to airport, RyanAir, then home. Im sure you dont want THAT to happen, do you?!
Posted by: Vega on Thu September 28, 2006 at 19:27*town=down
Posted by: Vega on Thu September 28, 2006 at 19:27*bus=coach
See! I cant even type because youve made me so upset!
You shouldn't talk, your only blog is in bloody SWEDISH so I can only look at the pics & guess at the words!