Yeah I know - why do I care and I should just ignore it, but seriously - what IS it with people having conversations on their fucking MySpace comments!?!? If you wanna enquire about each other's well-being or arrange a meeting, just use their bloody PM system!!!! That whole culture of "look look!!! I am popular! I have 178 friends! I have 419 comments!!" just PISSES ME OFF!!!! It's so teen-high-school-scene-moronic.
[/ rant]
In other news, I've not done much this weekend. I've not felt so great, and I've decided to stop taking my SSRIs, I've had enough of those fucking side effects and the pills are not doing anything anyway. I went into town, but people annoyed me and I didn't find anything I liked. I read loads tho, almost 2 books, and also slept quite a bit, and finished my design assignment, but I shan't declare it completed for another day or two.
I had a moment of panic this morning when L.J. texted me "how did the interview go? or isn't it until later?" and I thought "shit shit, is it Monday and I've lost track??" I didn't calm down until I'd checked my mobile, my PC clock and BBC news. Turned out it was L.J. who'd got her weekdays wrong. *lol* Weird Scots.
My entries are boring. As is my life. Figures.
I agree about the MySpace nonsense, it really is quite lame, I really don't want to read about half of a conversation, it should be discussed privately.
There's so much I could say about MySpace, i think i may have already had my own little rant on my own blog.
I hope you're going to be OK since discontinuing the SSRIs, I hear the withdrawls can be quite scary, you probably know all about it so I'll shut up, you don't really want to be taking advice in this kinda stuff from someone like me
And for the BILLIONTH time tonight, good luck in the interview! I'll ask you all about it tomorrow!
A J! Thanks for good luck - will email you upon my return! (haha, private conversation in comments
I second J--Good luck w/ SSRI withdrawals. Being on them might be stupid, but going off of them might be stupid, too! (I don't mean "that's a stupid decision" stupid, I mean "the way that feels could be quite stupid" stupid, heh.) But you know, I'm pretty experienced with med-withdrawal--though not so much at identifying it, since I don't generally tend to pay attention to what is causing a particular insanity/distraught moment.
Good luck with the interview. You'll probably be in it while I'm taking scary French/German midterms, so maybe we can set up a two-directional flow of helper-vibes...especially since yours will be of particular help when it comes to my French and German! I don't know if I'll have anything to offer in the, um, interview arena (what does yours, in particular, entail, exactly?) but of course, mi random talent es su random talent, so dig in to my brain, please.
Okay, I better end this before it gets any weirder. I miss you and I love you. I hope that we'll get the chance to speak soon.
Posted by: Charlie on Mon September 25, 2006 at 10:45Ahem @ wrong dates.
What's the alternative to the pills, is there something else they can suggest?
Indeed @ "look at me" - pisses me off too that I get about 10 friend requests a day from people I don't fucking know. WHY the hell would I want to add someone I don't know?! WHY?!?! I know that's the whole point of myspace, community and blah blah, but it annoys me. What also annoys me is when someone on my friends list has sth to say, rather than simply do a blog entry, they send out a fucking bulletin. Bulletins are for IMPORTANT things, people!
Posted by: The BML on Mon September 25, 2006 at 13:02I'm not too worried about withdrawals, I've been feeling pretty ugh anyway so I doubt I'll notice a difference. And I've only been taking them for 5 weeks. And I'll lower the dose first.
I'll reply to other stuff whenever we get to talk next.
WHY the hell would I want to add someone I don't know?! WHY?!?!
Because it means you have a higher number of friends and look more popular.
And yeah I don't get the bulletins either
*hand up*
I'm guilty of all the above in myspace. I'm not writing back and forth for popularity or myspace fame, It's pretty much cos i get bored and its something thats a bit different to sending back email. I don't add or request to add people that I don't know -- and everyone that's on my page I know pretty well.
The purpose of myspace is to keep in touch, I know some people (mostly teenyboppers) abuse that, but so what... don't look at their pages? I like it because all my pals on myspace are mostly made up of people who know each other, and maybe the stuff you think is "private" isn't all that private to them?
I dunno... I don't get what the big deal is... it's not really hurting anyone.
Posted by: Jess on Mon September 25, 2006 at 16:45Bad grammar and spelling doesn't hurt anyone either, but also annoys me.
Don't get me started.
Posted by: BML on Mon September 25, 2006 at 22:48LOL. okay, thats fair I guess.
Posted by: Jess on Tue September 26, 2006 at 3:285 weeks of SSRIs is not long, they take much longer for some people to start working.
Posted by: Monica on Tue September 26, 2006 at 11:21Well my GP was gonna take me off them next week anyway, so... hm yeah. Dunno.
Posted by: Clarissa on Tue September 26, 2006 at 12:30Hey, I know I've missed a lot on this blog, and don't know everything that's gone on lately... but just want to say kick some interview ass (that's interview, not interviewER), and em.. take care.
And totally agree with the myspace rant LOL.