Yes it's a sad sad day. Because you see I hate MySpace. With a passion. However I have to say I love my MySpace profile. It's the prettiest one around, by far (God, most of them are horrendous). It's so pretty I have to keep staring at it. I might redo this place to look the same (it's actually semi-inspired by this old layout of mine).
And that's all I've done today. Can you believe it? Hopefully I'll manage to write a cover letter for an internship tonight, but I wouldn't bet on it. I thought I'd overcome the blockage, but as soon as I look at the ad it's back.
Yesterday I did more. I went to see my counsellor. She wants me to write a timeline type thing of my life. Meh. Does she not know how crap my memory is? She also wanted to know my long term goals. I do not have any. And what I would like to do in life. I do not know. I have nooooo idea. This is not good. How am I supposed to know how to get there if I don't know where I'm going?
Hmmm. I also went to my GP yesterday to have my happy pills prescription renewed. So far they are not doing anything. So we'll try for a little while longer, she says, and then we could try something else. She did not say what. But at least I don't have side effects anymore. Mhmm.
And then Jster & the slore came to see me. They brought me lots of green things. I like green things. Tomorrow I'm going to London with J. Thursday I'm going to Milton Keynes with J. To see Robbie Williams. Friday we're coming back. After that we shall see...
[edit] God I know what I wanna be! Test driver!!! Fast cars still get me excited.
I managed to write that blasted cover letter btw. [/edit]
The Dodo!
See, I told ya she'd probably suggest something else, and I'm sure she just meant another kind of happy pills, because some people do not react to every type of pill.
And check your mail.
Thanks for mail!
God, that old diary layout takes me back!
Loving the myspace