Cuz you see Kate came to see me. And because Vega had recently been I suggested going too. And it was very nice.
But first we had to get there. And were stuck in a traffic jam for ages cuz in Newhaven they'd torn up the road. Great. We were impatient cuz very hungry.
So once we got there we went to the pub and had lunch. It was very full and we had to wait a long time. Theeen we went out and walked and took pics. Yes we did. It was pretty! Look!
Pretty yes? Nice green (!) water yes? Cute lighthouse yes? Very fun.
Then we drove back. And got stuck in a massive traffic jam that absolutely did not move. We did not know what it was, and radio wasn't telling us, so I said I'd walk ahead and have a look. And I walked for about a mile, and at some point I heard the radio from someone's car & I could make out "caravan" and "road" and assumed that must be ours... and indeed it was. A caravan had turned sideways and was blocking the road. Just as I reached it, a big lorry pulled up, so I assumed they would tow it.
On my way back to Kate's car, eeeeveryone (well almost) wanted to know what was going on so it took me about 5 times longer to walk back cuz I had to tell every 3rd car or so "caravan blocking the road." I got chatting to many cute people tho.
The ones at the front had been waiting for like 90mins or so.
Lots of people were turning around and seeking alternative routes.. and by the time I reached Kate's car again, some from the very front drove past and yelled "at least another 2 hours, turn around!" so eeeeveryone turned around. It was very fun to watch.
So did we. And it took us a while to get home, we went via tiiiiiny country roads, through tiiiny villages. And got home too late for Asda and too late for the choo choo train. But oh well.
And Kate texted me a little while back saying she got stuck in another traffic jam on her way back to Southampton. Poor thing.
But it was a fun day. Kate is cute.
And moving to NZ.
I hate NZ.
Very pretty pictures!
Posted by: stagiaire on Sun September 10, 2006 at 23:50
i love you! i love pictures! i hate nz too, but not really. hopefully when we go to beachy head, they'll have fixed the road, hm?
german time.
They likely will have. There'll be different road works by then.
nice new banner. Beachy head looks nothing like a Beach or a Head.
Fun Traffic Jams- you got a taste of LA.
Posted by: Kal on Mon September 11, 2006 at 21:34Oh God, nobody remind me of the traffic in L.A. Cars is pretty much all I remember. Car left, right, front, behind. Stuck and go. The worst I've seen so far.