Hello it's me. I am bored. I should be looking for work - voluntary work. It is my task for the week. Says Jo, my scary counsellor. I guess it's good that she's scary cuz if I'm scared of her then maybe I'll do what she asks of me and thus get my life sorted out. Then again I was scared of Jeff too but never did anything... and lost him in the process I believe.
Anyway. I was going to tell you about my iTunes songs.
You see, Coca-Cola has a promotion at the moment where you get a free song on iTunes with every bottle. I got 2 bottles a while back and tried this... and the codes didn't work. So I emailed them and said "the codes don't work, do sth about it!" I never expected to hear back from them really, but I got an email with lots of questions about how and when I redeemed them, and 2 new codes to use instead.
These worked. However, I don't have an iTunes account and didn't really wanna get one for 2 songs. But Coke people weren't done yet! They asked me if I could send in the actual labels and sent me a self-addressed and stamped envelope! Then they asked me lots more questions - about my OS, my iTunes version, my browser etc... and said they'd reward me with a 5-free-songs card!
So now I had 7 free songs! This was almost worth getting an account.
Then today I got their letter... and it's in fact a 10-song card!
And I've bought another iTunes Coke bottle since, so now I have 13 songs!
And I have nooo idea what to choose.
Haha, that sounds like they were just looking for people to ask them questions. PR-stuff and such.
Posted by: stagiaire on Wed September 6, 2006 at 14:01
yes, I can see the people at Coke doing this
"uhmmm, will put in fake codes and make our first angry customers do a long boring survey and then give them 10 songs to go away"
At least they've obviously prepared free-song-cards.
Posted by: stagiaire on Wed September 6, 2006 at 17:54 I really don't think so. What good would it do Coke (!) to know what songs I download?
It would be easier & cheaper for them to just monitor the free codes they give away anyway.
And the questions were nothing like marketing questions. The first email just asked "what URL did you go to claim your code" and "when did the error message appear and what was it." It was not a long boring survey at all.
You lot are only jealous cuz I got 10 songs for free.
Yes, you're right. I admit I am absolutely horribly jealous.
Never used iTunes so far though. I think you have to give me one of your codes, because... just because.
I would since I don't know what to do with them but you have to be a UK resident to use them.
Pffff. Hm. I don't reeeally need codes. I get the stuff I want anyway, hehe. But I could suggest some of the songs off Christina Aguilera's new album. It's pretty cool, though I don't know whether it is stuff you would like. It's at least different from the stuff she's done before.
Posted by: stagiaire on Wed September 6, 2006 at 21:11BTW Hanuta offers that same kind of thing for musicload currently. Though you have to buy two packs. Is that why you bought two bottles, too? Or is one bottle enough?
Posted by: stagiaire on Wed September 6, 2006 at 22:21>>"what URL did you go to claim your code" and "when did the error message appear and what was it."
Yeah but that itself is a form of evaluation etc, we do that at work too. I guess they want general feedback about the promotion and just want to get as much info from you while they have you at their mercy.
Cool tho, well done you. I don't understand why people don't just use free download engines in the first place...
I don't understand why people don't just use free download engines in the first place...
Some people consider that a crime.
Hm @ stagiaire. I could get those off... you know, other sources. iTunes stuff would be something I can't find on filesharers anymore. Oh and no, you only need one bottle per song.
Posted by: Clarissa on Thu September 7, 2006 at 0:07What is wrong!!??
Ah, now I see. Cool.
you should not be here
Nah nah, lala la...
Well I'm done now anyway.
I seen that.
>>Some people consider that a crime.
Yeah, coz you're one of them