of not-doing-what-I'm-meant-to-do (which is writing a press release).
I tell myself I have good reason to not do what I should do. The main reasons being "I don't want this job" and, more generally "I don't want a job". At least not now. Not yet. I'd rather do nothing, or the useless shit I am doing at the moment, which really at the end of the day is the same as "nothing".
I shall, for my estimated readers (that's you!), recount my day. Because it will - oh you know, give me another reason to not do what I should be doing, which is writing a press release. Or news release, as they call it these days. I really don't much care about the press/news release tho, nor about the site, or the job. Which is why I am here typing long-winded sentences into this window. So listen up.
My day
I woke up around 5, yes I did. I attempted to go back to sleep. I gave up. I spent about an hour in my fantasy world, then got bored. Isn't it interesting that although I have trouble remembering faces, and landscapes, and visual things generally, I have in my mind the detailed layout of a complete half-way house mental health type institution, to which I regularly withdraw? I could draw a floor plan and all. And we have a cleaning rota too! The residents change though. Well except me of course. I'm always there. Otherwise what would be the point, since it's my fantasy world.
So anyway, around 6am I gave up and went online. There was quite a lot to read. I found a Lo too, but she left after a while. Also squiZZ texted on his way to work, so I pitied him for not being in bed the way I was. Then at some point Tom called and convinced me I had to get up and watch... some chat show. But this was boring, so I watched Under The Hammer instead.
At some point I also launched Word. To write the release. And I opened an IE window on the relevant site. To do the necessary research. From this point onwards I can pretty much trace my day through my IE's history. I did some (more or less arguably) overdue things. I signed up for an Oyster card for instance. Because this was more fun to do than writing a release, and because during my procrastination I had come across some old entry where I'd complained about long queues at ticket machines. And cuz squiZZ had been bugging me about getting one, and whatever he tells me I do (after the obligatory initial reluctance). And also cuz swiping is so much cooler. And of course because signing up for Oyster is much more fun than writing a release. But I've already said that.
And then I also finally registered an account for B3ta (after years of lurking) because Tuesday is newbie day, and today is Tuesday. But turns out I'll have to wait until next Tuesday 10am to post (by which time I will probably have lost interest again of course). I read their FAQ anyway, even tho I had doubtlessly read it before. But this was more interesting than... you get the drift.
All the while I indulged in the usual timewasters of course - reading & posting on Metafilter (this thread is incredibly funny, and this thread contains the fabulous sentence "ClarissaWAM has a point", which of course pleases me), reading BoingBoing, SpOn and BBC (this article made me laugh), chatting to people (Charlie and I are going to kill everyone so watch out), talking to people on the phone (Tom and I are going to... nevermind, you will see). Oh and my modified robots.txt is starting to take effect. Oh and here are some more fun links I found yesterday: freaky phobia people on YouTube (fake or not, who cares?) and Japanese OMG big meteor we're all gonna die! simulation.
And then there's my "new" vice television (it's evil I tell you! evil!). Especially football. Tho it was boring and predictable. Brazil-Ghana I mean. France-Spain at the moment is slightly more interesting. Most interesting however was this show about Kandinsky that I watched earlier. Found out there's a Kandinsky exhibition at the Tate Modern, which I must absolutely go and see, so that shall be combined with my, um, forthcoming visit to London. I'm meant to have an interview with the ad agency Thursday or Friday... but they haven't got back to me yet so who knows.
Ooooh 2:1 for France!!!! WOOO!!!
Omg I actually shed a tear, how pathetic. But I do love the French, just for that unbelievably amazing experience I had in Paris in 1998 when they won the World Cup.
Anyway. It transpired earlier that a load of people think I'm a stalker (of squiZZ, who else), and that those who won't say it outright are finding it difficult to refute when confronted with the suggestion. Or, well, I have stalker-like qualities/behaviour and the only reason I can't actually be called a stalker is because squiZZ consents to being stalked.
I know it's ridiculous and I shouldn't let it bother me as long as he doesn't mind, but it made me incredibly paranoid and self-conscious for a while, to the point where I considered taking a biiiig step back, and not staying with him if/when I go to the interview, and just going for a day next week to see Tom (but then am I maybe stalking him too?). But I've calmed down somewhat by now so I think I'll be ok.
Well this brings us up to
OMG!!!!!!!! 3:1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I shouted, and guess what? I'M NOT FUCKING ASHAMED!!!!)
(yeah so I meant to say this brings us up to the present. hehe. Wooo! allons enfants de la patriiieeuuh! I'm off to call people and sing the Marseillaise to them now)
Those French suckers, I can't believe they beat Spain. And I thought the Spanish had won, because they were partying in our city, where I just came back from. Strange world. Their team was much better than the French in their matches before. But oh well, the blood stops boiling when I remember my French roots, hehe.
BTW why did you block all of the search engines? If you want to block webarchive only, you can block the ia_archiver. But I understand if you do not want to be searchable anymore in general. At some point I even completely removed my domain from Google.
Posted by: Michelle on Wed June 28, 2006 at 0:15Yeah I blocked them all for... you know, reasons. Google hasn't picked up on it yet tho.
And REALLY @ Spain? I heard/knew France have been kinda shit so far this world cup, but I didn't think Spain had even a remote chance of going anywhere.
So it's Brazil v. France then in the quarter finals.
Oooohh... our friendship shall be strongly tested.
Posted by: Mel on Wed June 28, 2006 at 0:40 how scary
If you want to remove yourself from Google, use their removal tool:
They completely remove you within about 24 hours. But if they remove you once, you will not be indexed again for at least 6 months. So think about whether it's just a mood you're in or whether you really want to be removed.
Heehee ok... I will think about it. but yeah I think at the moment I would/will feel safer not being indexed and I don't really see what I'd be missing out on.
Well I guess searching my own archives will become less simple.
soccer suckssssssssss!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: squiZZle on Wed June 28, 2006 at 2:26