Last night I went to the beach with some candles and I wrote an entry.
After that I did fall asleep for a little while. I never got to the point of my entry, and that's probably good. I woke up from a flash, someone was taking a picture of the strange creature lying on the beach amidst candles. It was half past midnight and time to go home. Have some more pictures of pretty lights.
Funny entry.
Posted by: Michelle on Sun June 18, 2006 at 15:17Haha funny or weird funny?
You write the letter 'I' funny
I scanned handwritten entry before any you of you did
You sure? My first scanned entry was in February 2003. So there
And yeah I know I do Shazia.
Posted by: Clarissa on Sun June 18, 2006 at 20:24Sure ja. I did then Mir did then you and L.J. did
So... um... No hamsters?
I enjoyed that!
The way you write is pretty.
The blue pen is pretty.
The candles are pretty.
Brighton by the sea sounds pretty.
That's all. My veggie burgers are cooking...
Posted by: jimmyboy on Mon June 19, 2006 at 3:36Ugh my yahoo is so ... fucked up. It takes about an hour to log on.
Is that why you're never on anymore?
MSN instead?
Not spoken to you in ages
@ Jimmy. I hope you enjoyed your burgers.
And yeah sorry Vega. You can go visit L.J.'s?
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon June 19, 2006 at 9:56Yeah that, and it's been sunny
And again, I spoke to you a couple of dags ago. Your "ages" are not very long.
Btw I have Pepsi Max and painkillers and my head is better. :)
Posted by: JarJar on Mon June 19, 2006 at 14:59Yes! I will force myself into LJ's flat and visit the hamsters. She cant stop me! I WANT HAMSTERS!
Posted by: Vega on Mon June 19, 2006 at 15:11The end is funny. It fits into the book story in a way.
Posted by: Michelle on Mon June 19, 2006 at 16:12Woo @ head
And yes, days for me is ages when I'm used to... talking to you more often than that.
Scary Vega
hehe ok @ Michelle