So what's new in Brighton...
I've seriously hurt and possibly broken my toe. Very annoying. squiZZ said I should go to casualty of course but I'm too lazy. Will go see doctor on Monday if not better by then - and then I can also show them my ankle again which still isn't better. (so basically now I can't walk on either foot
I've just been out in the sun, it's very pleasant. Finshed my book, which was also very pleasant and is highly recommended. There are many people here of course, and tomorrow there will be even more cuz it's the London to Brighton bike ride, which I am not looking forward to cuz it means it's near impossible to get to the beach from here (the thing finishes on Madeira Drive, which is between here and the beach).
Yesterday I had lunch with Jeff-the-can-man as most of you know by now. We discussed the book promo thing (I'm not getting out of this lol - working on it until the end of the month now), and apart from that we had a very pleasant chat about countless things. He asked how my boys were. He also reminded me how fabulous Brighton is. And he paid me lunch of course, and gave me a cheque. He's nice & very fun to chat to. We'll meet again.
And then I won't be so scared that he'll shout at me. He might have some other job(s) for me too.
Most of the afternoon I spent at home, I bleached my hair on webcam and chatted to my boys, and to other people, and I finally rang my nan again which made her very happy, and she complained about my father (the thing I was right about was "he will never change" - he said sth to her like "ha you don't think you'll ever get me out of here do you". she still thinks he's gonna die soon and she'll just stick it out... I have no such hopes). After that I had a medium-to-major crisis but I had a lovely slore to cry to. And a sea to go to. Another reason not to move to London.
Er yeah that's more or less it I think. Finally a few more hamsterpics as requested by Dee.
Thank youuuuuuuuu Very, very cute!
Those hamsters are SO bloody cute.
What have you done to your toe, was it when you went walking on the beach last night? I TOLD you you might die.
Posted by: The BML on Sat June 17, 2006 at 19:23no I hit it against sth at home - can't remember what tho (didn't hurt that much at the time), I think it was my clothes shelfy thing tho.
Posted by: Clarissa on Sat June 17, 2006 at 20:02Ah. So is really broken, you think?
You're a twat. If it's not your ankle it's your toe...
It'll be your knee next, mark my words.
Mark them.
Are they marked?
Posted by: The BML on Sun June 18, 2006 at 23:38dunno if it's really broken. I told squiZZ I'd go see doctor tmw if it's not better. but then I also told you I'd find a therapist this weekend lol.
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon June 19, 2006 at 0:13