Ya hello. I'm off to London soon. Tomorrow is scary job fair. I'm torn between "I don't care" and "wouldn't mind being employed". Blah.
Had dinner with Chris tonight. OOOH I HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!?! No I fucking don't, now get the fuck over it.
People annoy me. People in the street I mean. I want to kill them. But at least it's sunny. Ugh and I've just dribbled Coke down my MJ shirt.
I've booked Colmar. Placebo you know. Mhm. God I fucking hate London.
Ugh I'm late byebye.
Ooh! I've been added to links :)
Good luck with jobs fair. Sounds shite but not quite as bad as the Graduate Recruitment Fair I'm going to, I'm gunna have to pretend to be ambitious and hard working and all that malarkey. Joy.
Posted by: shazia on Sat June 3, 2006 at 1:15Section 3 subsection 3 is absolutely how I currently feel. But I can't, because I study law, and unlawful behaviour is wrong.
Shazia I think you're going to exactly the same thing as us, only the Bham version
@ Michelle.
"LMAO OOOH I HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!?! No I fucking don't, now get the fuck over it."
LOL Gold.
Posted by: Jess on Sun June 4, 2006 at 16:09^^ priceless, indeed!