She'll be back at some point next week tho I think. She's with the slore for now, so I can study, and I can take a break, and I can make a mess. And I can write long entries about nothing much at all. Like Cyndi Lauper? Ok maybe not. I do recommend her tho.
I wish I could tell you about all the exciting things I undertook with Prue but we barely did anything so I can't. Mostly we blame the weather.
Tuesday we did have some sun so we walked around and I showed her the usual stuff: this is the Pavilion, this is the Lanes, this is Primark, this is the North Laine and shit it's kinda cold now innit so let's go back home.
Wednesday we didn't even try.
Prue was glad to have a time out from the usual hectic travel schedule, and I was, um, lazy.
Wednesday night was farewell drinks with college people so I left Prue with the slore for the evening. And then I got a text from Charlie and ended up getting a bus to Gatwick in the middle of the night and leaving Prue with the slore for the night and the next morning. *ahem*
Meeting Charlie was hella scary beforehand (Jimmy can vouch for it) but worth it. I do not regret doing it, tho I'm not sure why I did it and what it means lol. But I had a great time, and I got loads more pics of sleeping people out of it.
I returned to Brighton the next day and went to the slore's place to collect Prue; and I was very tired and we watched Sex and the City and I slept and woke and mostly slept, and eventually Prue told me we had to leave so we did; and I had recovered somewhat so I suggested going to Preston Park (one of the things we should've done earlier), and I showed Prue the lovely Rock Gardens, and she took pics and dropped her cam but I still want her pics.
[that previous paragraph is kinda James Frey and pretentious but whatever]
We walked home (it is far) and bought Subway on the way. And watched Silence of the Lambs. And then I went to bed at 9.15 because, well, I hadn't really slept the night before because I had been stupid and met the-guy-who-is-not-good-for-me. And so I slept.
And Prue finally wrote that long overdue email to back-home-people.
And this morning I woke up and online didn't work. And I freaked, and did all sorts of things incl restarting the router, and eventually called BT. And apparently BT were aware of a problem and working on it. And after a while it worked again. So instead of doing festivaly things we wasted all day online doing nothing. Then I went to drop off Prue with the slore. And came back and talked to Mon, Lo, Jimmy, Vega, Val.
The end.
"[that previous paragraph is kinda James Frey and pretentious but whatever]"
I think it's more squiZZ lol
Posted by: JarJar on Sat May 27, 2006 at 11:22Oh THAT'S who it was!
Same difference.
Wow. You sound so excited to have had me.
LMAO @ 'this is Primark'. She must have loved that.
Oh and @ Cyndi Lauper. I'm a bit obsessed with her *hehe*
LMAO @ showing her Primark. WTF??!
Posted by: Vega on Sat May 27, 2006 at 13:04Primark is bad. But that long sentence was wonderful to read more please.
@ Prue.
Primark is great.
lol @ squiZZ
Posted by: Clarissa on Sat May 27, 2006 at 13:27"And this morning I woke up and online didn't work. And I freaked, and did all sorts of things incl restarting the router"
Been there, done that... this morning.
how scary.
PS Visit me!!!!!
Thank you thank you thank you! I'm glad you didn't lose the entire day to sleep, although you're lucky you slept at all -- I didn't manage to sleep on the plane, poo. (NC smells bad.)
Posted by: Charlie on Sat May 27, 2006 at 15:24 @ no sleep, poor thing.
(and what a boring flight that must have been