I got a distinction on my graphic design project!!!!!
There are 3 merits and 2 distinctions in our class, and I'm one of the distinctions!!!!
I was sure I'd get a lower grade than everyone else in the class, cuz they were all so good. Yesterday when the tutors were warbling on about how the level in this class had been really high compared with previous ones, and how that was good cuz it meant we spurred each other on, I thought (and almost said) "yeah and I bet I dragged the level down considerably"... but apparently I didn't.
I am flabberghasted. But very happy of course!
[edit] I meant graphic design, not web design, sorry. Web design wouldn't have been so amazing. [/edit]
(No credit on phone...)
WHEEEE!!! Congratulations! Celebrations! I knew you were excellent! We all knew knew that. Now hope YOU get it too!
Congratulations! You should really start to believe in yourself a bit more. You're very creative.
hey, congratulations, that's lovely! if i get 13 (out of 20) i'm in heaven (and yeah sciences-po is hell), so you really are a genius! oh and congrats on the earlier post, well done! i've meant to ask u, when is it that you're coming to paris now again? i hope this is readable, i was robbed today so my computer is now officially history (i feel like my life went with it, it's probably sold to some loser out in the eastern suburbs...) so i have to make do w crappy french keyboard... :(
take care and best of luck with everything!
Thanks Michelle! I'll try
@ Karin, that's horrible @ being robbed!!!! I would die
We're coming this weekend but I doubt we'll find the time to meet up tbh cuz we have Prue 'n' all...
That's great Wam!!
I'm not surprised though
ah okay :) well i hope you guys have a good time and all :) and yeah, some guy walked into my room while i was on my balcony and took the comp, all my cds, my wallet and my cd-player... lovely. all my coursework is gone :( but no, i'm not dead
Well done again!!!
God you're clever.
Posted by: The BML on Fri May 19, 2006 at 13:18Thank you slore
Woah again @ Karin.