Right, I'm done with my web project and I need feedback. And you can contribute if you want! (some of you I will force to contribute, you'll hear from me, but everyone can do so on a voluntary basis lol). This will be included in my final project folder so please be professional.
Right, the site is here: http://myowndamn.biz/evolution (not linking it as I don't want it indexed). Then please download this questionnaire, fill it in and send it to me at clarissawam[at]yahoo.co.uk (as an attachment or inline text) and you'll make my day!
I've done it! *proud*
Posted by: The BML on Thu April 27, 2006 at 15:17well done *pats*
You know what I miss on your site? The background color in the HTML-code. I do not use white on my desktop, that's why it looks crap if there's no background color defined. Unfortunately often people forget about setting the background color if it's supposed to be white.
Posted by: Michelle on Thu April 27, 2006 at 18:08Ooooh!!!! Thanks Michelle!!!