Honey is yummy in my tummy!
There is no such thing as hummy. Shut up now.
PS I wanna be able to come up with cool stuff like Sara, e.g. this, this or this. Or like what Doug Savage draws (check this or this!), or the wonderful Edward Monkton.
[edit much later] It's good to know I still get tired at some point. It's not so good that it doesn't happen until 1am. May have something to do with rediscovering Diet Coke. *lol* [/edit]
*lowers gun* Yes, NOW tell them how wonderful my site is!
Nah..thanks for thinking my drawings are cool
You're welcome
They aaarrre tho!!!!!!
Just read your atheism thing. God existing can be proving, and I'm not just talking about looking around you - things are being fufilled from the book of revalation as we speak. The time is near, the false mesiah is about to arise, then Jesus will come. If your into reading I can send you a book called " The Great Contraversy " by Elen White, or it might be at you local library. I can also send you some interesting dvd's. I mean if you really want proof. To get it, you have to look back into history. And since I see you seemed to like doing that in your atheism page, I'm thinking this book might be just for you. Elen White was a prophet in the 1800's and things she's prophecies have and are being fufilled, but besides that, there is proof in this book for sure. You'll find it if you really want to know the thruth.
~Repent, for the Kingdon of God is at hand.
Posted by: Share on Wed February 1, 2006 at 0:31Yeaaahh... proof would be most interesting...
:-O you're meant to have given up!
Posted by: The BML on Wed February 1, 2006 at 18:34 @ I mean if you really want proof. To get it, you have to look back into history. How terribly convenient!
Did you really read the essay Share or did you just skim through it?
Posted by: squiZZle on Wed February 1, 2006 at 18:41Update!!!
Jaja soon.
Is it "soon" yet?
Maybe it will be soon tonight. Maybe tomorrow.
Posted by: Clarissa on Fri February 3, 2006 at 16:49