Damn I keep forgetting I meant to update. So here goes...
I studied this weekend. Loads. I revised everything we've done so far, typed up all my notes and read all the stuff we were supposed to do as homework. All in all I must've spent about 10 hours on college stuff. Scary yes? I doubt I'll be able to keep this up tho (after all it took me 3 weeks to start doing something...). But they expect us to know all this rubbish for the classes anyway and keep 'testing' us.
Aaand my mummy Prue will be in Europe before the exams so I wanna spend lots of time with her and not worry about revision then. And she's currently working 60hrs/week to be able to afford the trip so surely I can manage that bit of revising? Am very excited about meeting her!!
Is ages yet tho.
The other reason I scare myself is that I had a steak today. One I bought raw, and cooked. The first self-cooked steak of my life. It turned out quite ok - just a little bit too done, but very tasty. Wanna see??
Oh yeah and I'm turning into a Maccie. (that too is scary) I keep trying to close my windows top left instead of top right, and hitting the Alt key for shortcuts instead of the Ctrl key cuz that's where the damn Apple key is located. Grrr. My Mac at college is called Xavier btw, thus christened by the lovable Thomas who of course rejoices in my Macciness. Thomas is very very very cute at the moment. Just thought I'd mention that. I mean he's always very cute, but sometimes he's even cuter.
Like now.
Ask Metafilter is cute too! I asked my first question there today and got lots of prompt replies. They all answered only for meeee!
What else... ah yes I went for a walk and took some pics I can share with you... they're my usual sea/sun/beach pics. Sorry if they're boring.
Hm yeah I think I've run out of things to say, or I've forgotten what else I was gonna say. Was gonna moan about iPod/Dixons but can't be bothered now. Nearly bedtime anyway.
Posted by: Tay on Sun January 29, 2006 at 23:17
Damnit Clarissa, now I want steak! Lucy has turned her phone off so I can't bug her anymore with my demands
I refuse to let you and BML and Proo have fun without me. REFUSE.
I'm going to be stuck at uni all year...no travel for me
At least I'll make you all feel guilty about it!!
Meanwhile, I have a technical question. How and where do I upload videos onto the net and in what format and how big should they not be?
Posted by: snow on Mon January 30, 2006 at 9:05I love Macs, too. But can't afford one. But they're cool.
Where are the potatoes and gravy?
There's an iMac going on eBay right now, it's at £620 with 2hrs left... used with lots of software. We're all watching it here in our graphics class lol.
Mon, I was too lazy to make potatoes and I have no gravy. I am not very British foodwise you know.
Um Ally, it really depends. With most people having broadband these days you can go fairly high if you want. Um gotta go back to class now. More details later...
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon January 30, 2006 at 10:46Is it British to have potatoes and gravy with steak? (And Luxish to just eat meat and vegetables?)
Or did you mean it's British to be a good cook and make lots of stuff?
Gravy is very British. We don't have gravy in Lux. Do you?
And no, you would have potatoes with steak. But I was too lazy as I said.
I'd delete your 2nd comment but am at college and too lazy to log in. (lol @ all the laziness)
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon January 30, 2006 at 12:19Well I am no steak expert, but yeah generally people would use gravy for meals like that.
Aha. In French cuisine you have all sorts of sauces - mustard sauce, or with mushrooms... or garlic butter (yum). But like the thick, typical gravy you get in this country... we wouldn't really have that in Lux.
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon January 30, 2006 at 17:13I'd use HP
Posted by: squiZZ on Mon January 30, 2006 at 18:17Ally why don't you just use megaupload.com or something?
PS. "Look!! Sand!!!" - where???
Posted by: The BML on Mon January 30, 2006 at 18:31The shiny stuff. it's wet sand. You can see how far the waves reach if you look carefully.
@ squiZZ.
I suggested "Xavier" to you as a name once... but you laughed at me.
You did?
I did?
What's wrong with HP?!
Where are you Wam? I want to annoy you
I am the magical hiding person
Mmmm HP. If you wanna be really British you'll put a slice of bread in your gravy and then put the dinner on top of it. Mmmmmmm.
Like the 1st pic btw. LOL @ "Maccie"..... tho is disturbing.
Posted by: Woods on Mon January 30, 2006 at 21:57Aye Citzy... I think it was to either name your flat or your iPod. I also suggested "Sergio".
Posted by: Mel on Mon January 30, 2006 at 22:50 Ah yeeaaah... well... it fits a Mac better?
That's what YOU think!
Posted by: Mel on Mon January 30, 2006 at 23:35Yeah and as you should know by now I am always right!
Well we HAVE different sauses here too. I don't really know that much about which saus is used for which meal. lol Some people might not always use gravy with steak. (I'm not a big steak eater.) I didn't know gravy was thicker than other sauses.
Posted by: JarJar on Tue January 31, 2006 at 19:14It isn't. I mean the thick gravy as opposed to gravy just in the sense of "the juices that drip from cooking meat."
Posted by: Clarissa on Tue January 31, 2006 at 19:16Oh. Ah. Well I guess the same thing is common here as in UK then.
Posted by: Jar on Wed February 1, 2006 at 9:21"the juices that drip from cooking meat."
it sounds so appetising, yummmm!