Yep, and I'm still a doer. Well I've not read the newspapers, but I've worked some more on that thing I'm making and I'm almost done... and yesterday I did some more householdey stuff, incl. scrubbing the oven, whee! Aaand as you can see I made a new layout, which everyone seems to like (and yes I did make it so cheerful cuz I was tired of the depressing grey). I should probably change the title quote to something less glum too but I can't think of anything.
College is still fun, esp. the graphics design part. And the journalism guy liked my news story phrasing.
And my buses were on time today.
I was thinking today the evenings go by just as fast as they used to when I was working, but then I realised I was in town shopping until 5.30 so only got home like 1/2 hour earlier than in the old days of IBMship. Shops still being open after you finish for the day is great tho!
I got a cute text from Ann-Louise today saying "you sure you still like your course? I think you should come back here!" Hmmm no I don't think so. Tho I do miss her. I caught myself thinking over the weekend "oh that's cool, gotta tell Ann-Louise about it tomorrow!"
*ahem* Well ja we can just phone and visit instead.
Right. Now that I'm done with everything I'm kinda bored... and it's also kinda late so I think I'll be off to bed soon. 'Night!
I also love new layout.
So you're a student again? ;)
Anyway, hope you're well and all...
Posted by: Suha on Fri January 20, 2006 at 0:27Your MJ tribute site doesn't really. . . work.
Well the links don't work.
Or well, *I* can't make them work.
work for me